Focus On The Moment, Not The Picture

Stephen Villon
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readApr 17, 2020


Mobile Phones.

By far, one of the greatest tools of the 21st century.

This small device allows us to connect with the world with just the push of a few buttons. Some say that you can now function the device with your own voice.


And although the phone allows us to connect with our friends, family, online communities and pretty much the whole world…. It also stops us from doing one thing.

It stops us from truly living in the moment.

Gone are the days where we can freely enjoy a plate of food and a nice cold beer with a couple of friends. Now we have to wait for that one friend who HAS to take a photo of everyone cheers-ing their glasses.

And all for what?

To show the online world that he has a life?

To show off to a bunch of people who most likely don’t care?

Perhaps to maintain reputation and status?

Regardless, we are slowly becoming more concerned with how a moment looks as opposed to how it feels.

And I certainly don’t want to pave this path for the future generations to come.

Effective strategies such as setting realistic time limits for phone usage and establishing non-negotiable routines can go a long way.

Example: A non-negotiable that you can use at home is for phones to be out of sight when sitting at the dining table. Whether it be locked up in a box or left in another room.

Now, I’m not against “capturing the moment” with photos and I truly believe that there is a time and place for everything.

However, ask yourself this question the next time you do:

What’s the worst thing that could happen if you don’t take that picture?

Don’t let the online world control you — because the real world is waiting.

