For Those Of You With Depression

Your life and story matter

Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readFeb 21, 2020


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

For those of you who struggle with depression, I see you. It’s likely we haven’t met, but I see you because I also struggle with depression. And I know how it feels.

I don’t know your exact pain, because the journey is different for all of us. But I know about the nights where you pray for morning to come. The days where you can’t bear to see or talk to another person.

The days where the darkness is all-consuming and life just seems hopeless.

If you’ve felt this way, you’re not alone. For those of us who struggle with depression, we’re in this together.

My life matters, and so does yours. And your story matters.

Life is beautiful and tragic at the same time. Full of joy and also sadness.

But you were placed on this earth to serve a purpose. Depression will try to lie to you and tell you that you don’t. But you do.

You are here for a reason, to experience life in all its beauty and tragedy.

To give and receive love.

To feel the warmth of a sunrise.

To be held in a long embrace.

For those of you with depression, your life matters.

You don’t have to be silent about it and suffer alone. Let others help you if you need help. Show them how to help you — the ones that love you most will show up for you if you ask them.

For those of you with depression, there’s nothing wrong with you — you are beautiful just the way you are.

For those of you with depression, I see you.

