Credit: Anne Bonfert

Friends Are the Family You Choose

What would we do without friends?

Anne Bonfert
5 min readMay 26, 2020


Friends are part of our life. They are there when we laugh. They are there when we cry. They are there to help us get up after a fall. And they are holding us when we are celebrating. Friends are kind of like family. A good friend might know you better than your family. And a good friend definitely knows your family. A friend is like family. But we choose a friend. We choose him to be part of our life. We choose a friend to be part of our own family.

Friends are honest

Friends share all their stories with you. Friends talk about the relationships and the new partner in life. They tell you if you should keep this partner or not. Friends are honest. They will tell you right away if a person is not good for you. Because they only want the best for you. They want you to be happy. So if they see there is something not making you happy they will tell you to get rid of it.

Friends help us with the family. They are there if we need to talk. They are there to listen. But they also tell us if we are wrong and if we should just listen to what mom is saying. Because they have nothing to hide. And they know us best. That is why they tell us the truth.

Friends make you laugh



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.