Give Me 7 Minutes of Your Time, and I’ll Show You How to Transform Your Life

Leon Ho
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readSep 26, 2020


Image courtesy of Pixabay

Let’s be honest, life is rarely easy — particularly at the moment with the coronavirus pandemic and the global economic fallout from this. It’s no wonder, then, that many people have begun to feel down about their lives, and perhaps even feel a little confused and lost.

This is certainly the case with a friend of mine. She has become increasingly concerned about the amount of weight she’s gained during the lockdown period. She was worried that this was not just due to lack of exercise, but also to ‘comfort eating’ to help overcome her stress about the pandemic.

Of course, stresses don’t have to be linked to the coronavirus outbreak.

I recall one of our Lifehack subscribers contacting me to say his biggest challenge was related to his age. He told me he was in his 50s, and he really felt too old to make any major changes in his life — despite having a strong desire to do so.

Fortunately, whatever your current circumstances, there are definite steps you can take to improve your health, wealth, and wellbeing.

As I state in the title of this article, give me 7 minutes of your time, and I’ll show you how to transform your life…

Life Multipliers

I created the term ‘Life Multipliers’ a few years back, after discovering a number of traits that on their own are effective, but when combined — create unstoppable momentum in people’s lives.

Let me take you through each of these Life Multipliers now, including giving you some examples of them in action, and tips on how to develop and use them in your life.

Be sure not to skip any of them, as their power relies on synergy.


Think back to a time when you set your heart and mind on something. Perhaps it was a new laptop, a car, or a vacation. Whatever the goal, once you had a burning desire for it, I’m sure you quickly found the necessary motivation, ideas, and energy to achieve what you wanted.

This is self-empowerment in action.

But it can also be described as ‘having sustainable motivation and confidence to achieve what we set our minds on’. This means being clear about our purpose and knowing how to stay positive and motivated during adversity or while stretching our comfort zone.

Self-empowerment feels just like it states — empowering.


If you’ve tried to give up junk food, alcohol or cigarettes, you’ll know just how hard this can be. However, with the power of self-control you can be successful. The secret in this case is to ensure you replace a bad habit with a good one. For instance, instead of ordering your usual burger and chips, opt instead for a wrap with salad. Do this often enough (for at least a month) and you’ll find that you’ve discarded your old bad habit and created a new positive one.

When you have self-control, you’ll consistently set clear goals and plans for yourself and will always follow them through. You’ll also know how to build constructive habits and routines that support your goals, and you’ll create these habits in such a way to ensure they stick.

As British chef, restaurateur, and television personality Marco Pierre White once said: “Self-control is true power.”

Renewable Vitality

Did you wake up every morning feeling fresh and ready to take on the world? If not, it’s important you address this as lack of sleep can quickly impact all areas of your life. If you need help with this, I recommend you read our article: Your Night Routine Guide to Sleeping Better & Waking Up Productive.

How would I describe a person with renewable vitality? I’d say they were physically fit and healthy because they exercise regularly, eat well, and know how to look after themselves. And — most importantly — they always have enough energy to handle all their daily demands.

Boost your energy, and you’ll boost your performance in life. It’s as simple as that.

Emotion Mastery

Imagine being told by your boss that your job is surplus to requirements and you should pack your things and head out the door.

If you weren’t expecting this to happen, then you’re likely to be shocked, surprised — and perhaps even angry. Left to stew in these emotions, you could quickly find yourself losing your self-confidence and optimism.

However, if you could “snap out” of these negative emotional states, then you could begin to see a way forward. Positive emotions lead to positive actions. In this case, an exciting new job at a dynamic company could be just around the next corner!

A person with emotion mastery can manage and change the way they feel and cope with situations. They’re also able to reframe negativity into positive actions.

For example, I remember a member of our Lifehack team having a particularly bad month. He had some family issues going on, plus his workload at Lifehack was busy, to say the least. However, this colleague had superb mastery of his emotions. Not only was he able to prevent his personal issues from impacting his work, but he also managed to deliver much more than was expected of him.

By staying positive, you can stay on track and overcome any obstacles in your way.

Conscious Communication

Have you noticed that some of the best managers are also the best listeners? By being attentive listeners, not only do they show respect to their team members — but they also learn from them.

Communication is an art that you can learn. And a good place to start is by mirroring your favorite managers.

But what exactly is conscious communication?

Well, a person with conscious communication understands other people’s ideas and is able to express and deliver their own thoughts and feelings clearly. They’re also adept at influencing others and find it easy to build reliable and long-term relationships.

When you know what you want, you’ll know what to say and do to get it.

Smart Focus

What’s the first thing you do when you start your working day?

If you’re like most people, you probably log into your computer and start going through all the emails in your inbox. I’m guessing that, on a good day, this may take you 15 minutes or so, but on a bad day (think Monday!), you might spend an hour or more going through your emails.

A smarter start to your day is to spend 5 or 10 minutes planning out your work. High-priority items should be tackled first, low-priority items last. This will guarantee that the important stuff gets done, and you keep on top of your must-do list.

Having smart focus means that we get things done in the most effective and efficient manner. We take control of our time and energy by always working smart.

I like what American theoretical physicist and futurist said: “There’s no reason why we cannot become smarter, more perfect, and maybe even live longer.”

Learning and Adaptability

When was the last time you learned a new skill?

Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Learning never exhausts the mind.” Wise words indeed.

I suggest you make a habit of learning something new every day. This will keep your mind fresh and active and mark you out as a progressive and open-minded individual.

When your life is grounded in learning and adaptability, you’ll be quickly able to master any knowledge and skill. You’ll also be able to rapidly respond to change and never stop growing and moving forward.

Learning = expanding and growing, which = living!

Constructive Thinking

To be able to think clearly and constructively, you need to take regular breaks from the non-stop onslaught of news, social media, and TV that most of us get caught up in nowadays.

Try to find some time every day to have breaks from this relentless mental invasion.

These could be things like having a walk through your local park or a 10-minute contemplation session in a quiet area of your home or office. When you have peace and quiet, you’ll be able to tap into your creativity and find solutions to obstacles that come your way.

Personally, when I need a break from the screen and a chance to liberate my thoughts, I like to spend a short time away from my work desk doing some gentle exercises. This always leaves me feeling uplifted and inspired.

A constructive thinking person has a clear and uncluttered mind. They also know how to utilize their memory and brainpower to solve problems and be creative and inventive.

Over to you

I promised you at the start of this article that I would help you transform your life.

While I’ve shared a pathway for you to do this; but there is one final step you need to take… action!

That’s right. If you just read this article and do nothing with the information you’ve learned, then you’ll have wasted your time.

However, if you put into action in your life these tried and tested Life Multipliers — then I guarantee you’ll start to see all areas of your life improve. This will include your self-confidence, health, career, and relationships.

Act now, and start sowing the seeds of success in your life.

If you enjoyed reading this article, then please take a look at Lifehack’s 3-Step Guide to Break Free and Design the Life You Want. In this free guidebook, you’ll learn how to live a fulfilling life on your own terms. A life where you are able to turn obstacles into opportunities and problems into positives.



Leon Ho
Live Your Life On Purpose

Founder of LifeHack, turning your questions into actions with our AI-powered app, empowering you to achieve more and grow every day.