Photo by Kate Remmer on Unsplash

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

A Button Poem

Sheryl Scott
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readMar 20, 2020


It takes a village, they say

So on the southwest side

Of London, Ontario

Every other Tuesday night

We meet

With our village.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

We shake hands

We greet

We kick the shoes off our feet

We take a seat

At someone else’s table.

We bring a portion of meat, bread or something sweet

To divvy up, our plates to heap

With fares and cares

To share… with our village.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

We break bread and break down walls

Rebuilding them with soft footfalls

Of trust and words that turn our hearts around

Our let us bounce our thoughts up off the ground.

We share food to eat and food for thought

We share wounds we have from old gunshots

Scars of life and often how they’ve healed.

We laugh, we tease, we sing …

We learn, we hope, we bring

We bow our heads and pray

With our village.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

It takes a village, they say…so

On the Southeast side of

Malawi, Africa

Every night

They meet

In their village.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

They shake hands, they greet, they have no shoes

To kick off their feet

They take a seat

On the ground …that’s their table.

They bring a scrap of meat, bread …there’s nothing sweet

To divvy up, no plates to heap

No fares, just cares

To share in their village.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

They would break bread if they had some to

They would rebuild if they only knew

That trust and words could turn their hearts around

But lack of all keeps them stuck in the ground.

No food to eat, just food for thought

And gaping wounds from real gunshots

Scars of life and how a few have healed.

Yet they laugh, they tease, they sing …

They learn, they hope, we bring… some help

To share with them along the way.

So to this end…

They bow their heads and pray.

In their village.

Give us this day

Our daily bread

It takes a village they say

A group, a crowd…lives willing to lay

Their own self down.

To reach across a sea so far away

Cause our daily bread seems plentiful

Our watershed it overflows

Our closet’s of clothes we cannot wear

They just hang there…like a spare

So why not share…

Give us this day

Our daily bread…

So we, in turn can lift a head

Can break the cycle poverty has sewn

Village to village

Reach to reach…

Pail by pail…

We preach…they teach

Us to know and see the heart of God

To live life for one’s self is small

To scratch the surface of our call

But giving life away…

That’s God’s M.O.

That’s stepping out of comfort’s lazy zone

He bled. He tread. He spread

The love He had…the life He led

Stretched sea to sea, land to land

Village to village… woman to man

Give us this day our daily bread

From London to Africa and back again

Stop sharing crumbs!

Let’s give a loaf!

Let’s raise our hands. Let’s take an oath.

Church…now’s the time! Today’s the day!

To give some of yourself away.

To rise and bring God’s hope down from above.

Because in Africa, they’re dying for our love.



Sheryl Scott
Live Your Life On Purpose

An actress, playwright and oh…I preach every now and then too. But cleaning other people’s toilets pays the bills…and all this gives me much to say. :)