High school With The Popular Kids

Emma Eva Harvey
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readAug 4, 2020


I was new to the school that year and I didn’t get along with the so-called “popular kids” — for the most part, I ignored them, they ignored me.

Great Times In High school With The Popular Kids

Ayano Aishi, Yandere. Painting-Copyright © 2020 Emma Harvey

About one or two years ago, I was trapped in a Language Arts or Social Studies class — I can’t remember which one — with a bunch of rowdy kids who always messed around. Oh yeah…do I have a fun story to tell y’all.

I was new to the school and everything that year. I didn’t get along with the so-called “popular kids”; for the most part, I ignored them, and they in turn, ignored me. I walked into my 3rd class of the day thinking, “…Almost done Emma, almost done…”, but as luck would have it, that day I ended up trapped in a class with the most disrespectful cohorts I have ever met.

I tried to get along with all of them — for a while, at least — even talking to some every once in a while; but most days, I just sat at my desk with my headphones on and listened to my music.

The days I dreaded the most were when we had a substitute. Those days when our regular teacher was gone — oh, my god; they were even WORSE! They never shut up, constantly interrupting and respecting our sub; always causing a bunch of trouble.

I absolutely hated these times when one of them would sit beside me. All he would ask was “…do you have a pencil…?”, “…what am I supposed to be doing…?”, “…can you help me…?” constantly talking over the teacher and just being plain obnoxious. One day I’ve had enough, so I stood up for myself and the substitute teacher.

It was sometime before the Christmas break; I think my teacher had to tend to her sick child or some other emergency, so we had a sub for the day. This sub was really nice! We had to watch a bunch of videos and answer some questions the teacher had printed out for us.

But from the very beginning these same kids were at it again: Talking and laughing; being SO rude and disrespectful towards her! She eventually gave up trying to sush them, and just started playing the videos.

By this time I was doing my part, trying to listen to the videos so that afterward I could answer the questions correctly. But nooooooo, these guys had other plans: they started laughing and talking over the video. I turned around a couple of times and gave them my “you better shut up or else look”, but they would not take the hint.

Finally, I just had about enough of it and literally yelled at them “SHUT UP!” Nope, I wasn’t dealing with them that day. I don’t even know if I was on my period but I just didn’t care. They stood back up to me and started saying shit, but I just gave them the hand and ignored them. Eventually, they got the hint to shut up. After the video was done I put my headphones back on and just tuned out.

After class, I did go up to my sub and apologized for my behavior earlier and for interrupting; but she was so thankful that I spoke up and got her back, she told me to not worry about it.

So in the end, I’m thankful I did that; because honestly, they no longer bother me. Not one bit now. You should NEVER be scared to stand up for yourself or someone else. Just remember ONE rule: they hit first, you hit back harder…then walk away. ALWAYS defend yourself, If you can’t talk to an adult or teacher.

Hope you’re all good. Stay safe♥️

The painting at the top was created with having my favorite game in mind at the time, Yandere simulator. I painted Ayano this way so she is represented in both her personalities. She was painted with black, white, red, blue, and peach acrylic painting and is 10 by 8 inches.



Emma Eva Harvey
Live Your Life On Purpose

Proud Millennial, young Adult; studying to be an Elementary School Counselor. I'm a passionate advocate for, and write about, my generation and its struggles