Happiness Is an Inch Away from You — Grab It Soon

Often we forget the things which are near us like the missing spectacle which might be resting in our head.

Anitha Sankaran
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readJun 28, 2019


Do you know that you are always an inch away from happiness?

Happiness surrounds us throughout our lifetime but often we pay the least attention to it and search for our whole life and run behind things which don’t even matter in our life.

In the fast-moving world, we have no time to consider a beautiful thing. One precious thing can grab the happiness field which is not far away from us. It’s quite easy to buy this precious thing and equip it in our life. It’s completely free of cost.

If it’s free of cost then how can it be precious?

Do you think the things which money can buy makes them precious?

A big no, the things which money can’t buy is only precious.

Stand before a mirror. Watch yourself carefully. That frown in your face made you to erase this precious thing in your life. Those stress curves and lines of anger in your forehead buried this precious thing in a deep dark hole.

A slight curve opposite to your frown creates the precious thing which makes you to grab the happiness throughout your life. That precious thing is your “Smile”.

Smile fills the distance between us and happiness.

Smile and look at your face in the mirror. Can you feel the happiness? This is the real happiness in the world. No one or nothing in this whole Universe can bring you this kind of positive energy and happiness other than your beautiful smile.

Even a pinch of smile can create an aura of happiness.

Let’s practice to smile like this daily and grab our happiness soon.

© 2019



Anitha Sankaran
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.