Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 6, 2020


Happiness encompasses everything. It is the starting and the end. Every person yearns for happiness.

What is the meaning of life? It is all about being happy and making others happy.

Happiness in the smallest of things. It does not have to be big things.

People often make themselves believe they will be happy if they have achieved that thing. For Eg. If a recently graduated student says he will be happy, once he has a new car. But what if after getting a new car from his dad. It gets hit by another car. His happiness gets destroyed and makes him angry about the person hitting his car.

This will make the person only depressed as he is looking for his happiness outside.

You should not get swayed by materialistic things outside. But build a castle of peace & happiness within your life.

It is not easy as everyone goes through so many things in one’s life. But with patience and compassion, it will be possible.

You will need to keep a check on yourself and believe that happiness is an inside thing.

Life’s meaning is to be happy in every situation come what may. Happiness & sadness are 2 sides of the same coin.

Only sadness or only happiness cannot stay forever. They will keep on varying every moment of our life.

It is how a person deals in a particular situation will say a lot about that person.

Everyone has to deal with insecurities in their lives. But one must believe they can be happy in their lives.

True happiness is by being content in life. Working towards gaining better knowledge & experience for a more productive life.

It is important that you shower love on your family members.

To receive the same love from your family members.

Feeling loved by someone in your family is the most important part of any person’s life.

That is the most important part of any person’s life. If you look for happiness outside your family. There are chances you might get disappointed.

By disappointed, I did not mean to demean you. You will find love. But the love, care, compassion, etc. will come from family.

If you are looking for a life partner. Then it obvious to see for a partner outside your immediate family.

Every person needs someone in their life with whom they can share their heart out.

no person can live in isolation. Everyone needs someone to support them and make them grow as a better person.

Every person desires to have someone special in their lives.

so that he/she can share everything that’s happening in their life.

If a person has a family who supports & trust him. Then that person is the most wealthy person on the planet.

Then that person can work towards creating opportunities for himself.

Thanks for Reading !!!

I hope you share your comments, likes & dislikes for me to learn.

Cheers !!!

