Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Believe In Yourself

And the one thing that will help you overcome the doubt

Alice Vuong
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readOct 25, 2019


For as long as I can remember, I’ve always suffered from low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Fear and self-doubt have always plagued me. I’ve worked really hard these past few years to overcome these feelings of self-doubt and internal negativity but sometimes they pop up without an invitation.

The idea that I don’t really have what it takes slowly creeps into my brain and when that happens, it can feel like I’m starting from square one all over again.

And when you’re a writer or an artist of any sort, those funks can really derail your trajectory. No matter how creative or talented you are, here’s what happens when you don’t believe in yourself.

You become “lazy”

Laziness seems to be a perfectly acceptable excuse we tell ourselves and to others. It’s something we tend to laugh off as a reason but then actually act on it.

Maybe we’re more accepting of calling ourselves lazy because it’s self-deprecating and, hey, everyone is lazy at some point and we’re entitled to a day off.

At least we know and acknowledge our laziness right?

