How a Dream Bridge Is the Secret to Getting What You Want

For me, I want it all. I dream big.

Elna Cain
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Kaboompics

Do you know how to get what you want? We all have our own desires and dreams, but we also all have our hangups, issues, and roadblocks that keep us from getting there.

For me, I want it all. I dream big. I want to be a New York Times bestselling author. I want to have a body like Jennifer Lopez. I want to make a good living from my blog. I want a large family full of happy, smart kids. I want a marriage that is fulfilling and lasts forever. And the list goes on.

The problem is, I get overwhelmed A LOT. You might feel the same way because I know there is something out there that you really truly want and every time you think of it, it feels so far away.

Listen. The longer you put off your thing or the more times you stop yourself because you are afraid or just plain procrastinating, the further away your thing becomes.

So here is the plan. You are going to go for it, but not in the same way you have in the past. Not in a way that is overwhelming and unrealistic. You need a bridge that takes you step-by-step from today over the canyon of failures and lost hopes to safely make it to your dream on the other side.

Why You Never Get What You Want



Elna Cain
Live Your Life On Purpose

SaaS freelance writer & mom with real-world marketing experience. Mentors writers on her blog Need a writer?