How Diamond Rings Killed the Romance

Why can’t anything be simple anymore?

Stella Fidem
Live Your Life On Purpose
9 min readFeb 14, 2020


“You should learn how to live in both comfort and need. You never know who you’ll marry or how finances turn around” was my mom’s timeless advice to my sister and me all through our childhood.

When I started dating my partner, more than 6 years ago, we were both very young. Having been brought up in a low-income family, he was working hard to put himself through college.

Our early dates and outings were often simple, never anything too fancy or expensive.

And although we were both blessed with an excellent education, promptly followed by respectable positions and jobs, we decided to keep our modesty. It was never lavish, never superficial, never demanding.

“He said he needs to get her a ring, although he’s broke right now after paying back his college debt. He’ll put the next 2.5 months of salary aside. It should be around $12,000. What do you think?”

I could say he was trying to gauge whether or not I was expecting the same thing when our turn comes.

“I think it’s madness, honestly.”

“He’s not the first one to say this. I heard it is the norm.”



Stella Fidem
Live Your Life On Purpose

Neuroscience PhD | Exposing the secrets of the human brain | At the intersection of Creativity & Science ❤ | Founder of | Editor of BrainChronicles