How Healthy Are You?

Find out in 10 minutes with these simple tests…

Schalk Cloete
Live Your Life On Purpose


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It’s not easy to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle in our affluent modern society. In fact, we find healthy living so difficult that hundreds of millions worldwide are suffering under our self-imposed lifestyle disease epidemic.

But it’s certainly not all doom and gloom. Society may bombard us with countless ways to self-destruct, but it also offers everything we need to build an extraordinarily long and healthy life.

If you look after yourself, you have a real chance to live (and live well) to 100 and beyond. In fact, I would recommend anyone scoring well on the tests outlined below to get a copy of The 100-Year Life to make sure you get the most out of this wonderful gift of extra time.

But before we can start planning what to do with all those extra years, we must earn them. And one of the best ways to do this is by regularly measuring our health. Indeed, measurement brings awareness and motivation: two essential tools for carving out a healthy lifestyle in today’s world.

This article outlines four interesting health metrics that will give you an objective picture of your general health in under 10 minutes. Each metric features a clearly identified target zone and some useful action steps to take when you find that you…

