How I Made $.51 Cents the First Week as a Medium Writer. P.S. I Bet Medium Curators Won’t Pick this Story

The Simple Life
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readNov 23, 2019


There it is folks.

All 51 Abe Lincolns in a row.


I’m on my way to earning a living as guess what?

You betcha…a full-time writer.

Not just a writer, but a premium, purebred, A-list top Medium writer.

Yep, you bet your socks that I’m on the map! I have officially made it. I am now qualified to tell you all the how I stories your eyeballs can take.

Okay so are you ready?

Here we go.

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

Here are 3 Steps to how to totally suck at earning money on Medium.

Step 1: Post an article

Don’t just post one article — post a ton. Make them good.

No make them great.

So great that even Anne Lamott would pee her pants.

Step 2: Pay the Medium $5 membership

This is to keep the net loss to a mere $4.49 cents

Step 3: Wait for the claps

Or is it responses?

Better yet, check the algorithm to see how to totally nail it by sending up a Hail Mary.

Okay so now that you’re fully empowered on how to totally rock out as a Medium C-lister just sit back and watch the pennies roll in.

While those digits stack, you can head over to The Writing Cooperative to start scanning for tips on how to be a better writer. When you’re done perusing through the annals, be sure to add a little self-love in there by reading through ways to Be Yourself or Live Your Life on Purpose.

At this point, you’re gonna need it all the tips and self-motivation you can get. Because it has become clear that you won't be crafting how to success stories anytime soon.

Now That We Got That Out The Way

All jokes aside, I wrote this article to counter the saturated how I and how-to stories that tout overnight instant success.

While many of those individuals have certainly put in a level of effort, I think what’s often left out is the Russian roulette factor.

Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash



Some of the most talented writers out there cannot and will not duplicate the same level of success. No matter how formulaic someone puts it.

I wrote a blog called “If I Can do it So Can You…..Mhmmm.” In it, I talk about the complexities of duplicating success and how this blanket statement is highly misleading.

So much so that it often leaves people scratching their heads wondering what they did or are doing wrong.

But I know no one wants to hear the harsh realities of the matter so I’ll end the story in hope as Shannon Ashley says.

Let’s End in Hope

Keep writing.

Do what you can.

Know that whatever level of impact your words reach that it will have landed in the sphere of influence it was supposed to.

Don’t let the #’s dictate the craft.

I know ….that sounds so cliche.

Easier said than done right.

But I promised a hopeful ending so there you go!

Happy writing my fellow internet sensations.

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash



The Simple Life
Live Your Life On Purpose

Lover of Travel. Follower of The Way. Promoter of Self-Discovery and Personal Growth Transformation.