How I Quadrupled My Bet at Roulette

Patience, slowness, and caution are the watchwords.

Alix A.
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readJul 18, 2020


My two friends lost their entire stake. They made big wins quickly, then it all collapsed, and they left with empty pockets. It took me a little longer, but I came out with full pockets.

Here’s how I quadrupled my bet on my first visit to the casino.

After a few minutes of observation, I chose a post, and I took 10€ out of my pocket. I was sure I would lose. In my mind, the casino was a place where you were bound to lose money.

On the advice of my friends, the three of us had set up individual electronic English roulette stations. I had never played it before. Not being a gambling enthusiast, I had never even set foot in a casino. When I walked in, I was immediately impressed by all the sparkling lights and the people concentrated in front of their screens. I felt like it was a parallel world.

Electronic roulette is played through a screen, on which your credit, the roulette board, and the various possible bets are displayed. A giant screen visible to everyone displays the roulette wheel, other players’ bets in real-time, the last numbers drawn, and the overall winnings at each round.

I played for about an hour and a half before I decided it was time to stop. I came in…

