How to Adult

While keeping your inner child alive

Lenka Otap
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readDec 11, 2019


What does it mean to be an adult? One parameter is simply your age. You are considered an adult from when you are about 18–21 (depending on where you live).

Your brain isn’t fully developed and matured until you are about 25, so that could also be a factor.

While you might be defined as an adult from the age of 18 and even have moved away from home and take care of yourself, you might not feel like a “real” grown-up, even when you are 30. I have sometimes found myself in a meeting at my children's school in my mid 30’s and thought to myself: what am I doing here with all of those grown up’s?

Now that I am in my 40’s I believe I am getting there. I have discovered what it means to be an adult — for me. Maybe what we think about being a grown-up just needs to be adjusted.

Here’s my take on what it should mean.

Level 1 Adult: Take responsibility for your actions.

That’s kind of it. Everything else follows from this.

You can stay up late or party all night long — but you’ll have to deal with getting up tomorrow if that’s what’s on your schedule. Being an adult means taking responsibility for your actions.



Lenka Otap
Live Your Life On Purpose

Computer scientist and astrophysicist. Curious about life, the universe, and everything.