Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readJan 18, 2020


I was always jealous of people who had a good company of friends. I always felt to snatch them and make them mine. It was my weird imagination to which I had no answer.

Every person meets many people in life.

It becomes difficult to understand and differentiate between who is right or wrong.

people usually ignore those who are introvert and more private than any other. People connect to people who are extrovert and have a good sense of humor.

That is not correct! As every person is unique. They are right in their own way.

By what I have seen throughout my life is that people will come and go. The right people will stay to make you believe in yourself.

They are your True Friend or guide to make you believe in yourself. We need to look for those kinds of people.

To never settle anything less than this.

Some of the points I will like to discuss are as follows: -

Be Yourself

It is important to present yourself the way you are. If a person tries to someone else it will only create a divide between people and will not be of any help to anyone. No one is perfect. But how a person carries his imperfections says a lot about that person.

Grow Together

The most important thing in a true friendship is that people grow together and become happy.

Friends are there for each other during any ups & downs in life. They are happy for each other at any joyful moment and silent at the time of Difficulty.

Be Trustworthy

The most important thing in any friendship is to have trust in the other person. This trust does not get developed immediately and takes time. No person will trust another person immediately. so a person needs to develop trust. It is important it is not broken for friendship to get sour. Trusting a person is the starting point in any relationship.

Be A Guide

Every person needs someone who can guide them to take the correct path in life. To have such a guide is the best thing to happen in friendship. People often don’t have people to guide them in life. This results in people taking the wrong actions in life and facing the consequences.

Give Time to Each other

Time is precious for everyone. But time becomes special when it is available for a close friend. A True Friend requires only your time and nothing else. Any friendship to develop takes time. so if a person does not have time then he can never have a true friend in life.

Travel Together

People who travel together also bond together. Traveling together makes a friendship strong and healthy. Friends are able to understand each other well. They are able to understand the person well. Understanding the likes & dislikes very well.

Stand for Friend

It’s important that a true friend stands for a friend who is right. A friend comes to know the true nature of the person in a difficult situation. It shows a lot about the person as an individual. That actually makes the friendship stronger or weak.

Celebrate Together

A celebration is important in every person’s life. It is good to have a friend to be a part of your celebrations. This makes the celebration more joyful and is able to make memories together for a lifetime to come.

Sort Out Differences

Every person has a difference of opinion. If a person can acknowledge that and accept it the way he is. it will help in developing very good relations between friends.

Their friendship will be able to withstand any difficult situation and come out.

So, These are some of my viewpoints I felt to share with everyone. If anyone disagrees or agrees. It is fine. please leave a comment if you like to.

Cheers !!!


