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How To Be Productive When You Feel Sick, Sad, And Spent

Don’t throw in the towel; you can still make something of today

Jake O'Callaghan
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readNov 16, 2019


I wake up at 9 AM but don’t get out of bed until 10:30. I’m sick, really sick. I’ve been this way for 3 days.

I shake my head in exasperation. Another miserable day. I’ve dealt with constant infections for months. I hardly remember what it feels like to wake up with energy.

But… I still have a productive day. I write almost 4000 words for my freelance clients, read for about 3 hours, and take multiple long phone calls. Am I a productivity guru’s wet dream? No, but I make things work.

I spent much of my adult life feeling dreadful. Severe Crohn’s disease often left me so weak I couldn’t walk a block without feeling dizzy. Sometimes, I wished a pit would open up at my feet, as even an eternal fall seemed preferable to working while feeling like complete garbage.

But I needed to be productive — to keep a roof over my head and to keep my sanity. So, through trial by fire I figured out how to work when I feel sad, sick, and spent:

Give yourself 20 minutes

When you feel horrible, there’s often a pervading feeling of hopelessness. Everything seems out of your grasp as even the smallest…



Jake O'Callaghan
Live Your Life On Purpose

I try to add color to the world. Full-time freelance writer/solopreneur. Have the autoimmune conditions IBD, RA, and IC. I win the battle against pain every day