How To Build Your Self-confidence In 5 Easy Steps.

Preciousgift Adebayo
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readNov 19, 2019

“Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how great you are if you cannot see it yourself?” ~unknown.

Do you seem to have lost your sense of direction and faith in your dreams?

Do you find yourself being uncertain about things and unable to think clearly?

Have you made plans and strategies to go about fulfilling your goals and along the way you lost the drive to go on?

Does this describe your present situation?

If yes, then it might be that you lack self-confidence, or on the other hand, you are letting in fear or doubt to drain your self-confidence.

Whether you like it or not, things will get really tough, and at times like this, you’ll need a great deal of self-confidence to pull through.

Unfortunately, most people allow themselves to drown at this point. They let their fears and doubts to overwhelm and get the better part of their subconscious minds, which in turn lowers their self-confidence.

But you might want to agree with me that fear and negativity is just a mindset that you can either choose to wrap neatly and trash into the waste bin or accept it as a bus stop for your dreams and goals.

Most often, people choose the latter and end up being failures, but I hope you choose the former, and one way to do that is to build for yourself a self-confidence that is unshakeable even in the face of the toughest circumstances.

I hope these 5 Easy Steps below will give you enough motivation to build up your self-confidence.

#1 Establish your self-worth

Your existence is not an accident, you were made for a purpose, and you are full of potential.

The moment you realize who you are and what you are made of, you start developing an unshakable self-confidence.

How you see yourself is how every other person sees you. If you see yourself as someone who can amount to nothing, that will be the same way everyone sees you and everything around you begins to respond to that mindset of yours.

So if you want to be successful, carry a success mindset, and establish your worth around that mindset, and you’ll see your self-confidence come alive.

#2 Focus on your opportunities, not your problems

Self-confidence is not the result of an absence of problems.

On your way to success, you are most likely to encounter problems and difficulties, but focusing on them will do no good.

You must realize that every problem and difficulty comes with an equivalent seed of opportunities.

The bigger your obstacles, the bigger the blessings that follow.

So you must always learn to shift your focus from the chaos before you and concentrate on the opportunities that present themselves; doing this will increase your self-confidence to carry on.

#3 Develop a friendship with confident people

The old cliché that birds of a feather flock together is so true.

If you surround yourself with those that motivate you to do more, and those that are confident in achieving their own dreams and goals, then you’re more likely to keep up the faith, forge ahead and become an achiever.

But if you are surrounded by those who help you count your obstacles and continuously remind you of what you can or cannot do or what you are, what you cannot be and never will become… then you’ve only set yourself up for failure, and you’ll have a hard time developing your self-confidence.

Individuals fall into two categories;

The confidence builders and The confidence shakers.

People who are unsure of what they want in life can easily be brought down by the confidence Shakers.

While the confidence builders help bring up others, even those are unsure and uncertain of what they want in life.

Your choice of friends or associates has a significant effect on your confidence level, so choose wisely, because confidence is contagious.

#4 Put a few wins under your belt

A few successful victories under your belt gives you the self-confidence you need to keep moving on and stretching your abilities.

When you keep winning, you will see yourself as a limitless person. But constant failures will make you feel like a hopeless loser.

But you’re only a failure when you stop trying, so even after a defeat, go after a few victories immediately and do not allow yourself to fall into the valley of self-pity, which is one killer if your self-confidence.

One way to do this is to have a confidence booster, probably a list of your past successes in life, go through it very often and feel proud of your achievements, this will boost your self-confidence once more.

If you do not have a list yet, you can start keeping one. On the other hand, you can do a quick task that matches your abilities and can be an easy thing for you to win over.

Winning gives us that self-confidence that we can succeed again.

#5 Quit comparing yourself to others

Comparison always leaves you found wanting!

Never satisfied, never content, and without contentment, you cannot have self-confidence.

Self-confidence equals contentment with self. Contentment is knowing you are all you need; you’ve been given all you need for your success and understanding that about everyone else too.

Comparing yourself with another will destabilize you and cause you to lose sight of your purpose; it will cause you to lose your sense of direction too, but building your self-confidence will stabilize and stretch you to your limits and guess what?

You are limitless and full of potential, specially packaged within you by the creator Himself, you have all you need, so why compare yourself to another?

Instead of comparing yourself, search within you the vast gifts and talents packed on your inside and specialize in any, till you become extraordinary.

That is who you are!

An extraordinary being.
A peculiar individual.
A wonder…

Never sell yourself short of who you are!



Preciousgift Adebayo
Live Your Life On Purpose

Hi I'm Preciousgift, just a young lady who loves to share her story with the rest of the world. Join her community of achievers @