How to Catch a Cheater

It’s harder than you might think

Raina Nichole
Live Your Life On Purpose


photo credit: Haramstudio

I dated a cheater once, and he was a brilliant lier. Every time I thought I’d pinned him down, he would talk his way out of it. He made me think I was just paranoid and crazy. It went on and on until I realized I needed some tangible, irrefutable proof.

So I downloaded a program onto my own laptop that recorded all keystrokes. The next time he jumped on my machine to check his email, shazaam, I had his password!

It was unbelievably easy.

Once I had access to his email, it was all there in black and white. Flirtatious emails to the very girl I had suspected. And a rendezvous scheduled at his house the very next day.

So I thought of a plausible excuse to “drop by” and interrupt his little date. The look on his face when he opened the front door was absolutely priceless. Completely worth it.

But he wasn’t your everyday chump. He stepped right out onto that porch, closing the door behind him, and started chatting completely normally.

I told him I needed the coat that I’d left there the other night because I wanted to wear it to a concert that night. It was a pretty lame excuse but also something undeniable. He couldn’t refuse to give me my coat.

