How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day, if You’re Single:

Dr. Paulette Sherman
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 8, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

As a dating coach, I hear many singles say that they dislike Valentine’s Day. It reminds them that they are alone and that they don’t currently have a lover with whom to canoodle. They wonder if they should hide out till it passes or what they could do, should they celebrate it.

Other people (single or coupled) could care less about Valentine’s Day because they consider it a commercialized holiday; a day like any other.

I consider it, ‘A Day of Love,’ that isn’t limited to romance or lovers. It can be a day to honor the love you have for yourself, your pet, your family, friends or partner.

Below, are a few tips, plus a video that follows, to give you the backstory on St. Valentine and why Valentine’s Day was declared a day to celebrate love. But first, some ideas of what to do:

1. Do Something Fun for You

If it’s a touchy day for you, I suggest making a plan to do something that you enjoy. This way you have plans and aren’t waiting to see who sends you a surprise Valentine. Order in your favorite food or rent a movie you’ve wanted to see. Plan to attend a concert with a friend or check out some comedy.

2. Have a Galentine’s Day

If you want to go bigger, invite over your single friends. You can all bring a dessert and some wine and can catch up. They will probably appreciate the invite. Have a game night or watch a sappy romantic comedy.

3. Volunteer to Make Someone’s Day

There are so many volunteer opportunities. You can make Valentines and bring them to a nursing home, hospital or homeless shelter. You can just volunteer to go on an outing with NY Cares or at a local soup kitchen that day. Spread the love!

4. Buy Yourself a Gift that You Love

You don’t have to wait for someone to bring you flowers. Here’s an opportunity to get yourself roses, buy something you’ve been wanting on Etsy or just treat yourself to a Spa Day.

5. Go Out & Be Open to Meeting Someone

This one is probably common but a bit touchy. It can be fun to go out and mingle with other singles but don’t put pressure on yourself to meet the Love of your Life on Valentine’s Day. Just have fun and be open. Maybe you can go out dancing or have a drink. You never know who you’ll meet and it can just be fun to get out there.

Here is that video about St. Valentine and how this Day of Love came to be:

Youtube @kpaulet

I wish you love- on Valentine’s Day- and beyond.

To learn more about dating coaching or Paulette’s upcoming book, ‘Facebook Dating: from 1st Date to Soulmate,’ visit her website.



Dr. Paulette Sherman
Live Your Life On Purpose

Psychologist, Relationship coach, podcast host of, ‘The Love Psychologist’ and author of ‘‘Dating from the Inside Out.’ @kpaulet