How to Change People’s Perception of You

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readOct 3, 2020

Every person in the world wishes to make a good impression. It can be a workplace or private gathering. At times, it so happens that people perceive you after your first bad impression. It is perfectly alright and not to begrudge it. You must understand that your perception of people can change. It is all about showing confidence in small ways to make a big impression.

It will feel like its impossible for you at first. But if you work towards it then it’s possible. Everyone’s perception of you can be changed for the better. If you can communicate well, Dress-up to show-up, asking questions frequently, maintaining eye contact while talking. Then you are on the way to change how people perceive you.

You are Important: It is important to know that you are equally important. More times it so happens that people downgrade themselves. This results in people receiving that vibe from you. In that case, they also stop respecting you more than yourself. So it’s important to make yourself believe in your importance. You can have a self talk in front of a mirror to become confident. To understand your strengths & weakness and use it wisely for better results.

Positive Thinking: People will only appreciate you if you are positive. People will not like your negative thinking. They will only associate who talks positive and thinks positive. positive thinking is the key. when people say like “ I can complete this task” it only shows their positive attitude towards any problem. Every person or influential person is always positive in any situation. If you listen to them. They will only talk about a positive mindset. That is the reason they can succeed in their workplace.

Eye Contact: Eye contact is crucial in every mode of communication. People going for interviews require good eye contact. To sound confident in their speaking. when people are not able to make eye contact. It signifies that they are not confident about the interviewer. If you find difficulty making eye contact. Then it is important to practice and develop this habit.

Ask Many Questions: Having a lot of questions is the hallmark of great minds. Asking questions makes a person wise. It makes the person understand the subject well. For eg. People taking up a new job. In this scenario, it is important to ask questions about the person handling that department. The right questions improve knowledge & process.

Well-dressed: It is the first impression of a person. People wearing uncomfortable clothes to the office will give a bad impression. But people wearing clothes that makes them look comfortable. It will give a good impression on people. People will be able to notice the confidence in yourself.

Send Positive Vibes: Every person carries his or her vibes. It is all about sending positive vibes to attract positivity. People can catch your vibes. Whatever you are feeling inside, you will show that vibe. If you are carrying a negative vibe. You will only spread a negative vibe. People can easily catch a person with his or her vibe.

Strong Shoulders: Shoulders signify your posture. If your shoulders are down. It will make you less confident. It is important to have strong shoulders laid back. To make them appear taller & broader. It will show your confidence in yourself.

More Networking: It is important to attend networking events for knowing other people. It will be good learning by interacting with other people. A new avenue of knowledge will open up for you. If you have any event coming up. Make an effort to go there. Even if you feel like not going. You have to go as it will be a new experience for you.

Listening: Be open to listening to others. If you can listen to what others are saying. It will give a good impression of you. It will portray you someone with good listening skills. people will appreciate your skills.

Smile Often: People smiling often are likable by one and all. if people are always serious & gloomy. They will never be able to leave an impression on others. people relate to those who are always jovial and charismatic.

Hope you can take something back for your development. Your development is in your hands. Make it count.

Cheers !!!

