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How to Cultivate the “Silent” Art of Active Listening

What makes us bad at listening and how to be better at it.

Bertrand Wong
Live Your Life On Purpose
8 min readOct 22, 2019


Listening is one of the most overlooked communication skills in today’s digital era. In a world full of distractions, it has become drastically more challenging for us to settle our minds and stay focused during our day-to-day conversations.

As much as technology has transformed and improved the way we communicate with one another through digital means, I believe the very inventions that have enhanced our daily interactions have simultaneously crippled our interpersonal skills as we speak.

With the increased level of collaboration that is required of us in the modern workplace, communication has climbed to the list of highly valued soft skills that can be used as a powerful tool to thrive in the future of work.

Yet, when it comes to developing this essential soft skill, the focus tends to be weighted towards improving our ability to express ourselves verbally. On the contrary, I believe that active listening, “the act



Bertrand Wong
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writing on: Self, Career & Growth | Empowering others to lead extraordinary and purposeful lives. | Co-founder @ careersocius.com | linkedin.com/in/bertrandwong