How To Fix Your Mistakes

Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readAug 26, 2020


4 steps to correct what you did so that you can move on.

Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

Mistakes were made today. Several actually, and that happens. Immediately, my thoughts went to self-judgment. You’re such a fuck up. Why can’t you get it together, Taylor? But then I remembered, I’m human, and I make mistakes.

I make mistakes a lot when I think about it. I eat foods that I know hurt my stomach. I’ve dated the wrong people. Stayed in relationships longer than I should have. Tried to do the same thing the same way, expecting different results with different scenarios. Lots of mistakes. Lots of being human.

When I was 24, I worked under two women, both of whom I feared while simultaneously holding them up on a pedestal. Imagine the Vikings revering their gods. That was me with them. My fear of them is something I’ll get to one day in a different post, but the lessons I learned from them are what I’m going to talk about today. Specifically, fixing a mistake.

Step One: Own it.

I honestly cannot stand when someone does something and then denies it. I think part of it is because of what I learned from this woman. Be a big person who shows the hell up, who is confident in who they are — admit that you made a mistake. Intentional or not, you did it. Say you did it. I’ll repeat — intentional or not.

