How To Handle Jealousy At Work

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readSep 3, 2020
Jealousy is the root cause of all Evil

What Jealous mean in true sense. Jealousy means which you don’t like about another person. It can be because of many things. The more important thing is the success of the person. Jealousy is bad in many aspects.

Jealousy happens to harm the person more than helping. As the person is burning from inside and holding grudges for another person. It harms the productivity of the person. It does not help the person holding jealousy for another person.

Jealousy has a bad effect on relationships. It not only makes the person alone in the world. But also makes him loose on all opportunities. People will not want to talk with you or stand beside you.

Jealousy will only make you sick in front of others. It will destroy your personality. People facing jealousy need to be aware of how to handle those people. They need to be more compassionate towards that person having jealousy.

Jealousy happens in every workplace. someone somewhere is jealous of another person. It might be that the person is not aware of jealousy. People come to know about jealousy through his action.

There are many things to make a person jealous. Here are some points to handle jealousy efficiently.

Focus on Yourself: It is essential to focus on yourself and not on others. People who are jealous of you need to be left alone. Jealous people will only find mistakes in the good you do for them. You as a person will need to arm yourself against any tactics from jealousy.

Build Friendships: It is crucial to develop good relations with people around you. At your workplace, people need to have good trust in you. You will have to be aware of the actions of a jealous person. Having good friends to stand with you and support you.

Respect Everyone: Respect is vital to winning over jealous people. The more respect you gain from your subordinates. The more it will help you in handling jealous people. They will be the first one to put an end to wrongdoings.

Victorious: The most essential thing is to be victorious in your area of work. You have to be result-oriented in your work. That is how you will be able to stand out from the crowd. You will have respect from your seniors. It will be the only that will matter the most. So, develop & hone your skills for better returns.

Hope these points have helped you in some way. These points are to help a person from jealousy. If you have some feedback for me. Please do leave it below for my learning. If you don’t like something. Do reply, As all comments are welcomed.

