How to Improve Focus and Concentration

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readNov 10, 2019
How to Improve Focus and Concentration

The way the world is moving around. There is so much distraction and everything is scattered here and there.

In These Times, how does one keep his focus upright and have full concentration is a big challenge?

There are many books available to read and apply. Reading will help in the best way.

But how much determined a person is from within will make the difference.

How does one focus his mind on anything is very important? It is a process where any person can really improve his focus & concentration.

It is difficult to do it but with dedication; it is possible to improve a person’s concentration & focus.

Focus only happens when a person is only concentrating one thing in hand and removes all the barriers obstructing it and achieve its set goal.

Focus can be only in the present work. The past is past, and the future awaits us.

Any person’s focus & concentration will keep wavering time & again. But the important thing is to come back again and do an important task.

Constant focus on a particular thing results in improved knowledge and better productivity.

How does one keep his focus and ignore the disturbances happening around is the important thing?

Everyone has something to achieve every day. Every person has a goal or targets they have set for themselves or have given to them by their seniors.

These targets are top priorities for every person to achieve. As the person’s job is on stake based on achieving these goals.

It’s a do or die situation for any person.

The best way for improving the focus & concentration is to start any work small and take a short break and come back again.

The duration of time can be increased every day. By increasing some minutes daily, over time a good amount of time can be achieved and lead to better productivity.

This will lead to better results coming and can achieve much more in your own life.

Any person wanting to do over one task cannot achieve anything meaningful and will achieve nothing fruitful.

The important thing is to focus on one task in hand and make it successful and then move to other targets or goals and become a winner in life.

People who try to do multitasking cannot make better decisions as their mind is consumed and don’t have the focus or concentration one particular thing.

Multitasking will want a person to switch from one thing to another and making you less productive.

For Eg, If a person is doing some work and all of sudden his boss calls him and tells him to complete this task which he is giving to his junior.

The link for the previous work which he was doing is broken and he will get back on that work after completing this work given by his boss.

This Will hamper his productivity and chances are he might have forgotten what work he was doing.

He might have to start that work all over again.

So that is why it is important any task taken in hand should be completed with absolute focus & concentration and then move to your next goal or target.

