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How To Live Life In “Now?”

Done is done, it will not be undone, even if you go to London!

Hardik Mangukiya
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readJun 9, 2019


You’re doing thousands of small tasks on daily basis, from office work to baby care, from dinner to travel.

You, I, we all do that, but sometimes we feel drained, rushed, and exhausted. You feel a mess. You’re going from here to there.

Sometimes, busyness creates an endless loop of tasks, and you think “just one more.” We are feeling like “it’s over, but just one remained.”

Career, life, relationships. You have been advised to complete it anyway. Just do it. Anyhow.

Life is like a serious rush. You don’t know where you’re going, but you’re pushing your life fast to reach end’s meet.

Sometimes, you’re thinking like “you will be free after one.” But you will never free.

When I was in 10th class, I’ve been advised. “You have to do this, this and this. Just do it, work hard. If you get 90% of grades, you get desired college.”

After that, I’ve been recounted that do this, it’s the last step, and you get what you coveted for years.

We all trapped in “future happiness.” “You will have this if you just work hard today” is the trap of some kind.

Of course, you will get all if you work for it and you should, but that doesn’t mean life is in the future.

Another type of trap is “past happiness.” “There was the day where…..” “I had amazing might with my girlfriend….”

Whatever it is, but I experienced that living in the past or future is not actually “living” it’s planning or retaining.

Living In Next Hour Will Cut Your Happiness Percentage.

Life happens in three forms.

Learning, living, and planning.

Most people are living in two forms. Learning and planning. They forget living. Learning happens in the past. It’s history. Planning happiness in future. It’s management. And living happens in now, it’s life.

It has a simple perspective.

if you’re living in the future, your happiness percentage cuts off.

Productivity gurus and to-do lists forget one aspect of life — breathing!

You wake up and fill the checklist. Rush for the day that you have to do it anyhow. It’s not bad to do this. But the constant flow of work makes us a future planner. We think about the next task.

To beat the rush, you need to understand this perspective deeply. You’re here to live, not to plan.

You must understand the value of living. Ultimately, you’re doing everything to be happy. But tell me, when you accomplished the most desired goal, how many days you sustained happiness?

Not more than three days, right? So, happiness is into living the moment. Not in things or in plans.

Suppose you’re planning to visit Singapore or Hong Kong. And you’re happy because you’re going to Singapore! But what if you think about business, family, future, and daily constraints? Will you be happy in Singapore? No, right?

So, it depends on your ability to avoid future thinking and past memorizing to feel the ultimate level of happiness.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. “— Buddha

You Don’t Know What Will Happen.

Do you know what is going to happen next? No. But this is easy to write. No, it’s actually easy to implement also.

See, learning and planning are crucial. It’s part of life. But what you understand is those two tasks are not living.

Learning is an experience. Planning is predictions, but living is involvement. And involvement increases happiness.

You don’t know what will happen in next month? So, why should you plan for next month or next week? Yes, you have abstract ideas, but it’s okay if you’re not super clear.

Life is not linear and straightforward. It happens out of the box. You can’t control it if something happens out of limit.

I never plan for next week. I just know what to do today and how to do it. I plan abstract ideas at the weekend. My planning time is one hour per week. Because seriously, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. So, why should I plan for an unpredictable situation?

I am not joking, but only this perspective helps you to live your life. I know lots of logical explanation are flashing in your head, but planning has only one task, to plan for future goals, not to feel and prepare for every day.

I don’t understand the “30-day challenge.” But when I think like big numbers, I feel. “Yes, that’s cool. But 30 days? How will it be achieved? What if I feel sick?” And this leads to overthinking.

You’re experiencing the future in the present. So, ultimately, you’re skipping your present moment.

See, better is, just do it for today. Just write one article and hit publish. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Next day, again, write another one, then one after one. One day you reach 50 articles in 50 days without weighing too much.

You’re overthinking about the future, and the worst thing is, it won’t happen as you envisioned.

No matter how you analyze this point, it ends with one thing — just plan for the day and live with it. Tomorrow, plan for that day.

It’s tough, but once you know, your subconscious mind directs you.

Image by Rondell Melling from Pixabay

Done Is Done, In Will Not Be Undone.

Gyanvatsal Swami once said beautifully.

Done is done, it will not be undone, even if you go to London!

Happened is happened, now move fast to the solution. If you’re just living in the problem, you won’t learn from it.

Experiences help to avoid future mistakes, so your goal is to learn from them.

Traumatic experiences are tough to beat. I am not talking about pressurizing or defeat the pain or stop feeling. But if your focus is to come out anyway, you can embrace your life more than others.

See, you had a breakup. You’re thinking about her all the time, you’re feeling it. That’s okay, but your thinking must be on how to come out from it in a faster way.

If you just think is this direction, you automatically stop retaining past memories.

Focusing on the experience and focusing on learning is a different thing. If you feel just for learning, to know how it happens, or how to process the pain. That’s cool, but if you feel it and creating the same experience in the head, it’s dangerous.

Most people live with the past. When you share your experiences, they talk about the past. So, they don’t feel good for now.

Yes, experiencing trauma is good. You accept your scars too. But it depends on how you take it.

“Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now. “— Oprah Winfrey

Living Makes The Life.

“Your entire life only happens in this moment. The present moment is life itself. Yet, people live as if the opposite were true and treat the present moment as a stepping stone to the next moment — a means to an end. “— Eckhart Tolle

You can double your happiness by living in this moment.

Don’t focus on end results, instead, enjoy the process. The process is in the present moment while the goal is future predictions. And when you attain your dreams, you have more dreams. It will never end. So, better is to relish the process.

You can be happy for 2 days and sacrificing happiness for 200 days. That’s the tragedy of life.

I believe deeply in enjoying my life with people. I enjoy “now.”

I see lots of people who are clicking pictures while savoring the moment. How many pictures you click, but tomorrow, you have a new moment, and you click more pics. It never ends.

I don’t know the purpose of this pics, but it is definitely not going to help to feel the deepest level of happiness.

Life Is Not Sake Of Living.

Life is enjoying each and every moment. Some people do it for just doing, and this is how millions of hours are wasted. Life has one goal, to live.

If you’re doing anything just the sake of it, you aren’t playing the profitable game. Anything, from brushing teeth to dinner, won’t be done only to do it.

Try to feel great for the little task of the day. I can understand that it’s boring, sometimes, you feel exhausted. You don’t love what you’re doing; that’s why I wrote: “try to feel.”

Once you get momentum, you can find different ways to love everything. What is essential is to learn this perspective. Most people caught themselves in the same thing, and they won’t come out of ordinary life.

Let’s Live The Moment.

“Live in the present moment. The past and future are nonexistent. Only the present can be grasped or, better, embraced. “— Stephen Hough

If you do anything, just feel the process. How it looks, how it smells, how to do it better, how it evolves.

If you do it for just the sake of doing, you won’t come out. You have a constant rush of task after task. You feel drained.

And you focus on past life, you won’t feel present moments. You’re spending precious life in the past.

I can totally understand that it’s not easy as I am writing, but that’s life. If everything seems easy, then everyone would be happy. But taking helpful perspectives and beliefs accelerate the process and build incredible life out of the air.

The choice is yours.



Hardik Mangukiya
Live Your Life On Purpose

Big believer in Positive Psychology, writing about productive and thriving life.