How to Live Your Best Life by Using Role Models as Your Examples

Mighty Knowledge
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readAug 6, 2020


Photo by Brad Barmore on Unsplash

For we must indeed have someone according to whom we may regulate our characters; you can never straighten that which is crooked unless you use a ruler.

— Seneca

To live your best life, you must form a clear and concise picture of the kind of person you want to be. Most people do that by thinking about what they want to achieve.

But it goes much deeper than that.

Our achievements make up only a small part of our lives. Getting a job, making lots of money, traveling to a certain place, getting married — they’re all just milestones.

But in-between those milestones we have our daily lives. The work you do each day, the people you associate with, the decisions you make, the way you think, speak and act.

These things make up the bulk of your active life. They will define your character and ultimately the quality of the life you will be living. Therefore, it makes much more sense to set a goal for your character, in order to live the best life you can.

Using role models to guide your character

