How To Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

How To Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readNov 5, 2019


People have been able to gain weight without being aware of it. As they want to try out new varieties of food. But to lose weight naturally, people need to be aware of what to eat and what not to eat. People need to have the right mix of foods to lose weight naturally and burn some excess calories.

These are the important points to consider losing weight. They are as follows:-

More & More Protein

Protein is an important part of any person wanting to lose weight. It has the highest nutrient value.

Protein foods can be Fish, Eggs, Meat, Avocado…Etc.

A higher intake of protein only results in weight loss. If the protein content is less than fat, then the person will not be able to lose weight. but he will gain weight.

It also makes a person feel full and healthy.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar is an enemy for the person wanting to lose weight.

Excess sugar results in heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and many other health problems.

Packaged foods do contain a good amount of sugar in them. Consuming those products without checking only harms a person’s health.

A Person needs to reduce the intake of sugar to a minimum for better health.

Increase Water Intake

Having warm water on an everyday basis will help in reducing weight. It helps in removing toxins from the body and burn calories.

An average person should drink around 1 to 2 liters of water on an everyday basis to keep the body and skin better.

Calorie Check

Keeping a calorie check is a good way to know what you are eating and how it is affecting your body.

The better way of doing this is to have an app on the phone or keeping a separate diary to keep a check of your regular intake of calories.

These small efforts made a long way to understand what to eat and what not to eat.

Having Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits & Vegetables are all good for the immune system.

They have a high percentage of nutrients & Fiber which is good and act as protein for the body.

regular consumption helps in fighting many diseases and makes a person fit & healthy.

Healthy Food Stock

This is the most important thing for anyone wanting to lose weight.

Having a good stock of food at home which is high on proteins and nutrient value will add value to your weight loss process.

Healthy foods in the Refrigerator will compel a person to eat those and in return make the person fit & healthy.

A Good Sleep

Good Sound Sleep is the need of the hour. Sleep plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the body & mind.

Less sleep affects the body badly and chances are that person will become obese.

It affects the hormones in the body and the person is not able to concentrate on anything.

Add Spice to Food

Having spicy food purifies the blood and helps in burning fat in the body.

Have Green Tea

Green Tea does have a lot of antioxidants and is good for body & heart.

It helps in burning excess fat and also helps in weight loss.

These Are my suggestion for people to reduce weight naturally. Any suggestion or viewpoint is invited by everyone.

