How To Make More Time Every Day?

Arun Kumar Maharana
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readMay 24, 2018

Have you ever heard something like

“If you want to be successful, you should work 25 hours in a day”

“Ok… wait… WHATTTTT???”… exactly what you are thinking right now…RIGHT?

Relax… I am not asking you to break any rules over here…

It’s just that you need to do some time management, and that’s all.

25 hour a day… isn’t happening to work a little bit extra to hit that success milestone, which means all you have is 24 hours a day and you need to make the best of it.

With all the work, events, meetings, and maintaining our personal life in a day, we just freak out.

With all those thoughts firing at you all the time, it makes you confused about what to do now and what not to do now.

Results… not being able to anything at all.

With a little bit of tweak and with some time management skills, you can easily add that extra one hour to your day.

So, here we go…


First and the most important thing you should do is get organized.

You are at a gym in the morning, but all you think is, you have a meeting at 1 pm… or you are middle of your work and you are thinking about the groceries you need to buy for your home.

It might sound crazy, but these are those tiny little things which distract from the actual work you are doing right now.

This breaks your concentration and then when that thought gets over, you need to regain your concentration and restart the whole working process from the beginning.

Just think for a second, even if you lose 1 min on this kinda things and you have 60 of those thoughts throughout the day, you almost lost 1 hour in that day.

So, what’s the solution for it?

A simple TO-DO List.

Early in the morning or the night before, make a TO-DO List for the day. This will save you a lot of time and will let you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it that day.

Spending a 10–15 min on this can actually save you around 45 min…



Watching movies, tv shows, taking a good amount of time on social media or on youtube or doing nothing… well, but do we really want to do that?

Hey, I am not saying you shouldn’t do all that stuff. You should enjoy yourself because those things can actually refresh your mind and make you come back more creative.

But, doing those things excessively, is bad.

Think about your goals and figure out how much time you are spending on these things.

You should be aware of the amount of time you are spending on these leisure activities.

Now, can you limit them?…

That’s awesome, just do it.


The BIGGEST problem of almost every corporate guy.

“Can you help me with the coding?”, “Can you write a mail for me, I need to use the washroom”, “Let’s go out for a break”… these are pretty common things your colleagues ask you to do when actually they need a break.

If you are saying yes and doing their job which they are getting paid for and ignoring your job which you are getting paid for… think again, is it really worth it?

The amount of time you are spending on something which distracts you and not making you any profit, you can use that amount of time to work on your project and make it amazing.

I mean, why in the world you would even consider saying yes to something which your colleagues are getting recognized for?

Learn to say no.


Well, I am not a doctor and this is not an medical advice… but this is quite a common thing, oversleeping or less sleeping, both impact your health.

If you are not getting enough sleep or if you are oversleeping, then you can always consult a doctor to find a perfect solution and a perfect amount of sleep for you so that you don’t wake up all moody and irritated.

The perfect amount of sleep will rejuvenate you and help wake up happy and fresh.

Well, they say… “If you wake up happy, the whole day becomes wonderful”.


So, these were my 4 tips for you guy to add some extra time to your day.

Hope these tips will help you guys to reach that success point and keep you motivated to work.

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Arun Kumar Maharana
Live Your Life On Purpose