How To Make Your Stress Work For You, Instead Of Against You

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readDec 20, 2019
How To Make Your Stress Work For You, Instead Of Against You

Stress is present in every person’s life. Whether a person likes it or not. It is there to either make you a better person or break you as a person.

How a person takes stress matters the most.

People who are able to manage stress can come out of any difficult situation and be a winner for life.

Every person has some kind of stress in his or her life. It will relate to health, Finance or relationship. With what attitude does a person challenge it makes a whole lot of difference in the result.

For Eg: A person facing health issues in his or her life. He might be fighting a disease like cancer in his life. How he decides to fight from within will make a big difference outside his life.

Having a disease like cancer is challenging.

When a person feels stressed out about things.

‘Stress’ word is so powerful. The people who are not stressful also get into stress after saying or listening to this word.

The impact of word stress is negative in all aspects. But by directing the energy from within stress can be a booster to perform and make a difference in your own life.

Every person in today’s time feels so much stress about things that the only option they feel better is to suicide.

As they are not able to cope with stress. People decide to give away their precious lives like that.

I saw a video where a person is actually going to a bridge every day in the evening to save people’s lives. He had lost his dear one through suicide.

He wanted to save other people’s lives and has saved many lives who came to that bridge to suicide.

Every person he was able to save. His relatives used to come back and thank him for his help.

It’s important that during stress, we go and reach out to people for help. That help taken from our closed ones will go a long way in making the difference in our lives.

Every person in this world needs someone to talk to. Someone who can listen, guide, etc.

No person can live his or her life in isolation. Everyone needs someone to look up to.

Having people around oneself is the biggest wealth a person can have in his life.

people need to talk out the things to remove half of the stress from life. Another half could take care of a person’s right action.

There are also ways to relieve stress from the body. It is yoga, power yoga, Cardio exercise, walking. These methods help a person change his or her moods and feel better post-workout.

Omit gyming, It is always advisable to work on muscles every alternate day and not every day. As alternated days workout give rest to muscles and make them stronger and healthy.

stress can make a person’s life miserable if the person is holding that stress for a long time. If the stress hormone is present in a person’s body then it damages the body.

The way to resolve this stress is to consult with a doctor or involve a friend or family member to get rid of that stress.

so that the person can be peaceful in his life. If not taken care at the right time. Stress can actually take away everything a person possesses.

The person could go in depression and will not be able to remember things or remember himself aswell.

As a result, Continued stress is not good for the body or immune system for any person.

To get relieved from stress, it is important to enjoy every moment of your life. Keep smiling every second. spread that smile & laughter with every person you meet.

The more you share with others, the more it will come back to you.

Watch movies together, have a hobby, meet friends on a regular basis, go for long drives, etc.

These things will actually make a person so relieved from stress and he/she will feel better.

stress is also an important part of a person’s growth.

In this way stress is a good moderator for a person to achieve new goals in his life. so that he can be happy how he spent his life with a mission to achieve and make impossible to possible.

how a person takes care of things that are troubling him the most is the hallmark of an individual. If a person hides it under the carpet every time an issue arises is no good to himself and to society.

If the person applies his body & mind to solve the issues troubling. He will be able to reach somewhere to that issue and make a difference.

It’s all about action. how much a person is wanting to achieve it and how passionate he is about it.

With sincerity of heart, everything is possible. If we put our minds into it, then nothing is impossible.

