Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 21, 2020


People around the world are suffering because of depression & anxiety. They are not able to save themselves from depression.

People are not able to concentrate on anything fruitful and meaningful in lives.

This depression & anxiety is harming a good amount of people.

People who have good support from family and receive good medical help are able to recover in time.

But people without any support, their situation is getting worse day by day. People need good support from family members, friends & relatives to make them come out of it.

People get into depression for many reasons.

Its symptoms could be that a person is not able to sleep, memory loss, weight changes. not able to take decisions, Hopelessness…Etc.

There are many more factors that are not included. But these above factors are very important to understand if a person is in depression or normal.

Anxiety is something that happens to everyone. For Eg. A person going for an interview will have anxiety about the outcome. It happens with everyone.

The important thing is how does a person deal with these very important for coming out of it.

If people around the world are not able to find a solution, then the options they can think of is only suicide. Suicide is never the answer to anything.

life is very precious, more important than everything. so it’s important that you make the right use of it and make it worth.

Every person is different from another. More important when problems arise. People think about it. Attitude is very important.

A will think to challenge it and overcome it so he can become much happier.

B will think like giving-up, feel low & get depressed about the situation.

The most important thing is to challenge the situation you are facing in your life head-on. No one will come to save you. You have to save yourself.

If in your mind you think you have changed your situation, then half the problem is over. Half of it will depend on the actions you take to overcome it.

And, If you think in your mind that it is impossible to change your situation.

Whatever efforts you put in to change it, it won’t change as your attitude has not changed towards your problem.

The best way to deal with depression & anxiety is to council yourself. The more you share your heart out with other people. The better you will start to feel.

The more you share the better it will be for your recovery. When you share about your life and what you are going through.

You will get the right instruction on how to tackle those situations in your life with ease & comfort.

This is the best step to get yourself counseled. one needs to meet till the time you don’t start to feel that you now no more need any help.

You can stand on your own two feet and take all the decisions about your life.

Hope you liked the article, please share your inputs. All comments are accepted.

Cheers !!!

