How to Overcome Procrastination and Build Solid Habits.

If you lack results focus on the actions.

Michael Rauscher
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Do you remember the last time you began something new?

Maybe it was to try a new diet, to start a sports routine, to eat healthier, to start that business, to execute on a brilliant idea, to start a new hobby.

Do you remember the drive and excitement you brought up?

You were fully passionate, you had sky-high expectations, and you painted your future bright and clear.

But your positivity seemed to fade more and more. You realized that there is a lot of skill you need to obtain, a lot of time you need to invest, a lot of challenges in delivering your idea.

Suddenly it doesn’t feel like a good idea to move on anymore. You have a feeling of stagnation, which once was a flash of inspiration.

How can you overcome this disquieting feeling of stagnation and the resulting procrastination once and for all? How can you move forward when you already seem stuck? The following technique is easy to implement but once applied incredibly effective.

Don’t rely on your momentum

In the beginning, there is momentum. But it will fade.



Michael Rauscher
Live Your Life On Purpose

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on