How To Read Effectively and Cover-More Books.

These four methods will change things for you once you apply them.

Abayomi Omoogun
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 15, 2020


‘To live is to learn, and to read is to learn fast from the experience of great minds.’— .

Books can be a great benefactor if the content in them can be put to practice.

Books have been a great teacher for me. The moment I started reading books, my confidence level, the way I engage in conversations, my writing skills to mention changed.

Through reading books, I have been able to start a small online business as well as write for eight different publications.

All life lessons are hidden in the books if you can create time to read them. And in the wise words of Epictetus that says:

Books are the training weight of the mind.

To live is to learn, and to read is to learn fast from the experience of great minds. As someone once said literature is the accumulation of painful lessons humans have learned by trial and error.

Here is what you can do to read effectively and cover more books.

Start by reading small page books

The best way to do anything is to start small. So it is with reading books.

You need to start small if you want to read effectively. Because by starting and finishing a book, you create momentum for yourself to want to read more books.

The first book I read that changed my reading habit was stretch your mind by . It’s a short book that I finished on a sitting and from there, I read the dip by Seth Godin. Once I finished it, I couldn’t stop reading but to look for more books to read.

Don’t ever try to start reading a lengthy page book if you’re just getting started with reading books. Start small, create momentum and continue the upward progress from there.

Batch your reading

The best way to read effectively and cover more books most especially if you are just starting is to batch your reading time.

Batching your reading is the best way to start and finish a book on time. Reading a 20-page book for 10 days will make you finish a 200-page book.

By batching your reading, you keep your concentration level in check. Once you are tired, drop the book and do something else. Go back to the book the next day and see how many pages you can read.

Don’t ever try to force yourself to finish a book. If you don’t like the book, drop it. If not, read gently so that you can internalize what the author is saying.

Read different books at a different time of the day.

I’m not saying you should read two books at the same time. Rather, read different books at different times.

For example, I read philosophical books in the morning and non-fiction books in the afternoon.

By reading two different books at different times, You get to read more books and finish the two books almost the same time.

Know your peak periods to read

It’s the best good to read during your peak period when you have the high mental energy. This is because reading requires a form of mental energy depending on the books you are reading.

I read philosophical books in the morning before doing my daily writing. And that’s because am most charged up in the morning when my head is clear and also the best time for me to think clearly.

I read mostly non-fiction (self-improvement) books in the afternoon during a lunch break period. Nothing heavy just light reading like 10 to 20pages of a 150-page book.

Reading during your peak period makes reading easier for you rather than reading when you are stressed out.

Avoid using willpower to read, rather find out the time your brain is very much active and fix your reading schedule within that time frame.

By learning to read more effectively, you find yourself a great way to escape, unwind and also, increase your knowledge, focus, and worldview. It also gives you something interesting to talk about when you’re networking. Reading is beneficial in both your personal and professional lives.

Do these four things and you will find out that not only will you cover more books you’ll also read effectively.

