How to (Really) Quit Any Addiction

Replace an addiction with a good habit

Human Improved
Improve For Future


Photo by Free-Photos on Pixabay

You’ve recognized you have a problem and somehow you got motivated. You saw some video, you saw someone else quitting, or it’s just a New Year’s resolution, and… You make a promise! “I’m going to quit gaming”, “I’m going to quit tobacco”, “I’m going to quit procrastination” or whatever your addiction is.

You’re going to tell yourself that this time is going to be different, this time you will do it.

And, You do it! For a day, or two, or a week!

You have all that motivation, but you don’t have a plan, you just try to stay away from your addiction.

Eventually, your willpower starts to decrease, and you’re going to start caving for your past, leaving behind your promise and your goals. And that’s why the majority of people fail.

Let’s say you are addicted to video games, you are working all day, you come home, and “all” you do is play video games.

In the first 3 days, you stay away from gaming, but on the fourth, a friend call’s you, just to play an hour with him, and since you’re doing good in the past few days, an hour shouldn’t hurt, right? And, suddenly you’re ok with two hours the next day and so forth.



Human Improved
Improve For Future

I enjoy writing about financial literacy, personal development, and clever ways to make life easier