How To Stay Present When Buying Presents

David Caracciolo
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readDec 21, 2018

It’s that time of year again when all is calm, all is bright…

You’ve got to be JOKING!!!

This is the busiest and most stressful time of the year as the stores get flooded with last-minute shoppers, eager to stock their Xmas stockings.

Revelers can be seen cutting each other off on the road, in the shopping line, ordering food at the deli. They don’t call it the ‘silly season’ for nothing.

Instead of people handing out Xmas cheer, they’re giving each other the bird! Oh, and I don’t mean this…

Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash

In the middle of all this madness, I’d like to give y’all a little bit of a reminder. Let’s put a few things in perspective and be mindful of what we’re doing…

Xmas isn’t about you, you, you or me, me, me!!!

It’s about others. That’s who you’re buying presents for, right?

So… while you’re thinking ‘bout what gifts to buy for others, how ‘bout thinking… of… others?

Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash

Be thoughtful. Be considerate. Be generous with your money… and time.

Would that be too much to ask?

This is just as much a reminder for myself when I’m hunting for last-minute prezzies.

Give the gift of patience this Xmas and be nice to one another…

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash


Thanks for your patience!



David Caracciolo
Live Your Life On Purpose

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny