How to Use Lockdown Time to Your Advantage

Leon Ho
Live Your Life On Purpose
8 min readAug 24, 2020


Image courtesy of Pixabay

Depending which country you’re living in, you’ve probably been in lockdown or are currently in lockdown. And due to the incredible difficulty in taming the coronavirus, some countries that previously lifted lockdown are now starting to put restrictions back in place.

I’ve been through a two-month lockdown, and I have to admit, the first few days I was miserable. I missed going to the gym, eating out, and I definitely missed meeting up with my friends and family.

However, after a few days of feeling sorry for myself, I decided that lockdown could be a good opportunity to work on things that I haven’t had much time for. In my case, this was finishing the writing and editing of a book titled “The Full Life Framework.”

I also used the time to build a home exercise plan for my wife, children and myself. In addition, I continued to help support and inspire my Lifehack team through remote working.

Once I started putting these plans into action, I began to feel positive about my life again. Lockdown was no longer a hindrance — it was actually a help. An opportunity.

If you’ve been struggling with lockdown blues, then read on to learn some tips about how to make the experience more positive and more productive.

Make Your Goals Happen

The first positive thing that lockdown will likely give you is time.

Even if you’re now working from home, you’ll no longer need to commute to and from your workplace. And if your lockdown means no meeting up with friends, then you’ll have less social time — but more time to be productive!

It really is all about your mental attitude. If you see lockdown as negative (like I did at first), then you’ll no doubt find it a drudge and a burden. But if you look for the positive aspects of lockdown, you’ll be able to make the most of your time. Do this, and you’ll feel happy, purposeful and free.

With extra time on your hands, you’ll no longer need your “too busy” excuses. All you’ll need is some motivation and direction to make your lockdown a success-building time.

17 ways to make the most of lockdown

There are literally hundreds — if not thousands — of ways to make the most of your lockdown. However, to help get you started in thinking about what you could do, I’m going to share with you now 17 ways to transform your lockdown from negative to positive.

Let’s dive straight in…

  1. Wake up early — Take a close look at the lives of the majority of hugely successful people and you’ll discover one key trait: They all like to wake up and start their days early. Before most people have hit the snooze button, these purpose-driven people have already freshened up, exercised, and sorted out their tasks for the day ahead. You can do the same. For example, instead of waking up at 8 am, aim for 6 am. My recommendation is to gradually move your wake up time so it’s not a shock to your system!
  2. Tackle your to-dos — Lockdown is likely to give you more spare time, which is why it’s the perfect opportunity to start ticking off items from your to-do list. These could be things like cleaning your car, redecorating your home, and sorting out your bills (see item 15).
  3. Find time for family and pets — Let’s face it, before coronavirus, our world had become a nonstop, 24/7 distraction machine. Our lives were filled with endless work, social media, and Netflix! Lockdown for many has proved to be a blessing. It’s allowed them time and space to rekindle their close relationships with their partners, children, and pets. Have you used your lockdown time in this way?
  4. Get fit — With gyms and swimming pools probably closed in your area, it’s easy to fall into a low or no exercise routine. However, a few weeks of this and you’ll quickly become a couch potato! Luckily help is on hand. Search on YouTube for fitness coaches and you’ll find some amazing guided workouts — and all for free. Just 30 minutes to an hour a day will make a huge difference to your fitness levels and overall well-being.
  5. Learn the art of meditation — I’m a big believer in the power of contemplation and meditation. I’ve been using these tools in my life for over a decade, and I’ve seen how much calmer I’ve become — and how much sharper and clearer my thoughts are now compared to before. If you haven’t tried meditation before, then the best way to get started is to use a meditation app such as Headspace or Calm. These apps will guide and time your meditation sessions.
  6. Make the best possible use of your home space — If, like me, you’re currently working from home, then it’s definitely worth spending some time to sort out your home to best fit your family and work life. If you struggle with distractions, then you may want to set up a small office in your bedroom. Alternatively, if you prefer a more social environment when you’re working, then try using your lounge as a shared office space (especially if your partner or children are also working from home).
  7. Stay connected — Lockdown can be lonely. Particularly if you live on your own. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. As you know, the internet now allows real-time video chats, so there’s no excuse for not keeping in regular contact with colleagues, friends, and family. Now, I won’t pretend that video chatting is as satisfying as meeting someone face-to-face, but it’s still a nice easy way to stay connected with the outside world.
  8. Read classic self-improvement books — Want to make tangible progress in your life over the next few weeks and months? Then make sure you read at least one chapter a day of classic self-improvement titles such as: “Getting Things Done”, “The Art of Thinking Clearly,” and “High Output Management.” When you regularly fill your mind with words of wisdom, you’ll feel inspired and motivated. And you never know, you may come across one or more ideas that will change your life.
  9. Watch uplifting movies — You’ve probably noticed that when you feel down, a funny, happy or uplifting movie can help snap you out of your melancholy. As the famous expression goes… “Laughter is the best medicine!”
  10. Get out into the sunshine and fresh air — Not only will this will raise your spirits and boost your health, it will also give you a break from being stuck in the four walls of your home. If you have a balcony or garden, make use of it. If you don’t have any outdoor space, try — if allowed — to have a couple of walks a day in your nearest park.
  11. Start your own business — Many people run home-based businesses, and lockdown could be the perfect opportunity to join them. Here are a few suggestions to get you thinking: selling on eBay, bookkeeping, and podcasting.
  12. Learn to cook healthy meals — If you’re used to having lunch in your staff canteen or at your local café, then lockdown has no doubt shaken up your routine. However, this doesn’t have to be a negative thing. In fact, it could be a great time to improve your cooking skills and to learn more about adopting healthy food choices. And remember, evidence suggests that eating healthily not only improves our physical health but also helps us feel better too.
  13. Update your resumé — Coronavirus has hit some industries hard, and unfortunately, we’re starting to see companies laying off staff. Hopefully, you won’t be in this situation, but as an insurance policy, I recommend spending an hour or two updating your resumé. If you have a LinkedIn account, then check to see if this is also up to date. Do this, and if your job is put at risk, then at least you’ll be in a position to begin applying for new jobs straightaway.
  14. Start a journal — Keeping a diary or journal can help you in several ways. Firstly, it will enable you to set and achieve goals. Secondly, it will act as a stress reliever. And thirdly, it will help improve your memory. Personally, I love spending a few minutes at the end of each day to write down my thoughts. It’s definitely therapeutic, and it also helps sharpen my creativity. Try it and see for yourself.
  15. Streamline your finances — As I touched on earlier, lockdown time can be used to tackle your finances. You can sort out your bills; review your savings, pension, and insurance; and cancel any subscription services you have that you may no longer be using (e.g., Audible and Spotify).
  16. Learn a new language — You’ve probably thought about learning a new language but never gotten around to it. Now could be a perfect time. There are loads of great online courses available, and the choice of languages is vast. A new language could also mean a new career for you — or perhaps even a relocation to a new exotic country (post-coronavirus of course!).
  17. Build positive habits — Bad habits are hard to break, and good ones are hard to create. However, if you want to make progress in your life, then you must make an effort to replace bad habits with good ones. I suggest you tackle one habit at a time. For example, if you want to cut down on the amount of coffee you’re drinking, start by gradually cutting down, and then move 100% to decaf. This might take you a month or so, but in the long term — it will be worth it.

Take action now

While we should never forget the appalling loss of life that coronavirus has brought upon the world, we should also do our best to keep our spirits strong during these challenging times. By doing this, we can help ourselves, our family, our friends, and the wider community.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca once said: “Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.”

And he was right, providing that we look for the positives rather than dwelling on the negatives.

So please use your lockdown time wisely by implementing some of the ways I’ve shared with you above. Not only will this allow you to make the most of lockdown — but you’ll also set yourself up for a productive and successful post-coronavirus life.

Lockdown time may make you feel physically constrained, but by shifting your mindset, you can experience mental and emotional freedom. Grab my free guidebook 3-Step Guide to Break Free and Design the Life You Want and learn how to break free from your limits and take charge of your life.



Leon Ho
Live Your Life On Purpose

Founder of LifeHack, turning your questions into actions with our AI-powered app, empowering you to achieve more and grow every day.