How TV Shows Dramatically Improved My Life

3 reasons why watching Netflix could bring value to your life

Antonio Lupo
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readSep 11, 2020


Photo by David Gomes on Pexels

Since streaming platforms blew up, the time spent on TV shows massively raised. This is why Netflix became a primary target for self-improvement guru or productivity masters.

That led to a massive demonization of the TV series’ world. Along with social media, they are now considered the key reason for our waste of time.

Although that is not true for my experience. My life had taken a surprising turn when I decided series to be part of my daily routine.

Here is why TV shows have played a crucial role in my life.

They made me know people better

Characters represent humans. Engaging with the stories puts me in touch with someone’s background.

Living their life side to side makes you understand the choices behind their actions.

One essential lesson I learned is that the world is not a matter of black and white.

“Don’t judge people for the choices they make when you don’t know the options they had to choose from.” (Unknown)

Sometimes we tend to criticize too often people’s choices without actually knowing what caused it. Even the most unreasonable ones may hide relevant circumstances that completely change the perspective we have of one person.

Pay attention: TV shows did not teach me to justify every action but pushed me to think that the world is complex. It is not only black or white but shades of grey as well.

Furthermore, studies have shown that watching TV shows can increase your empathy and emotional intelligence.

We easily relate ourselves to the characters we see on the screen. If something good happens, we feel happy as them. Likewise, we get angry if something unjust occurs.

That improves dramatically our ability to understand how is doing another human being or what he is feeling. This skill is proved to be paramount in social relationships.

I need entertainment in my everyday life

Yes, entertainment is the main reason why people watch TV shows. It is also the most targeted because people believe it is unproductive.

Why we have to go on with this belief?

Everyday life could be intense and stressful; it’s ok to not be on full-work mode all the time.

I like to say that watch that episode of Game of Thrones or Stranger Things brings colors to my day.

Life of just work may be productive or lead towards your goals but does not deliver fulfillment. It is grey. Let it be colored by the emotions of engaging stories.

“Keep in touch without touching.”

(Amit Abraham)

Of course, I am not pushing you to go binge-watching the latest shows on Netflix. I simply love the idea that there lots of worlds, with lots of stories that make me forget my routine for a bit.

We will talk more specifically about it at the bottom.

They made me think.

TV shows can be healthy and impressive teachers. I learned something from every show I watched.

It is a kind of informal education. The story deals with a topic conveying different perspectives and points of view.

Comparing our outlooks with others is pivotal for personal growth.

“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.“ (Stephen Covey)

Here lies the magic of TV shows. You are not reading a book, nor taking part in a conversation.

You are living someone else’s life.

When you sympathize directly with the experience you are facing, the message you get is sharper. Notwithstanding you do not actively recall, it sticks subconsciously into your brain.

Besides learning new insights and confront mindsets, TV shows are hugely efficient in awaking topics we may overlook or values we take for granted.

The issues coming along with drugs, for example, are often ignored. It seems a problem too far from us and rooted in society, so nobody cares enough to fight or help people struggling painfully.

I discuss it because unconsciously, I act this way as well. Watching Euphoria, though, has reminded me how critical is the drug problem and brought me a renewed consciousness.

I had a similar feeling watching Stranger Things. Wearing the shoes of a group of kids having each other’s back fighting against a dreadful monster made me reconsider the value I gave to compelling aspects of my life like friendship or family.

“Never see importance through the standards of the world.”


Sometimes we think we are giving the right importance to what we acknowledge most precious for ourselves. Until something reminds us, we do not.

Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

Indeed these are just two examples, but I can make much more:

BoJack Horseman challenged my view on redemption, change, and fame.
Mr. Robot made me think more about mental issues and enhanced my ambition on big projects.
Atypical brought me a new consciousness about the autism spectrum.
Death Note changed my viewpoints on justice.

At the same time, single characters may be massively influential as well, like Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones), an example for many women who wants to rock the world.

Every time I engage with a story, I rethink my own value system. This makes me learn a lot and therefore grow as a human.


With my words, I wanted to convince you that TV shows are not as some people describe them, yet a potential game-changer for your life.

However, that does not want to be a justification for your binge-watching.

Keep your life in your hands and consider TV shows as an additional tool that significantly boosts your soul. Balance is key.

As I said, they are an escape from reality. However, don’t let them be your reality.

Based on my experience, one hour is the perfect amount of time you should spend on Netflix or whatever platform you are consuming. Enough to light up your day and still have time to do anything else.

Here is another important recommendation you need to follow: watch actively.

If you are watching a show, focus entirely on the show. Passive interaction could cancel all the positive benefits we have discussed. Put your smartphone away and prepare for one hour-experience in another world.

I also use to write some annotations on my diary about my impressions and feelings right after finishing an episode.

As now firmly proved in psychology, writing on paper about your emotions is a helpful tool to manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression.

Why not start a TV journal right now?

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

After all, it does not sound as awful as they say. Don’t feel bad the next time you sit on the couch and browse something to watch on Netflix.

Winter is coming… and along plenty of series to enjoy.



Antonio Lupo
Live Your Life On Purpose

Idea is my keyword • Personal Development & Learning Improvement • Follow me on IG: @_antonio_lupo_