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I Could Only Succeed Once I Accepted Success Comes at Any Age, and You’re Not Too Late, Either

If your life isn’t going according to plan, maybe it’s time to scrap it and go with the flow

Mauro Sacramento
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readDec 14, 2019


Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll tell you I’m a dreamer.

I dream of adventures I want to live, of milestones I want to reach; of a particular life I’ve hoped for my whole life.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve dreamed about growing a big family, becoming an entrepreneur, and earning enough to give my children anything they want. But my dreams went further than that.

I wanted to get married at 21, have my first child at 23, and live on my private island by the time I was 30.

I’ll be turning 30 in about seven months, and I’m considering moving back with my three cats to my parents’ place next year — talk about an epic fail.

It’s easy to feel this way when you see people half your age making millions of dollars with little to no effort. How can you compete in a world where any 16-year old with a camera and a bit of luck can become a worldwide phenomenon in a couple of months?

Except, there are a whole lot of other success stories you may not have heard of.



Mauro Sacramento
Live Your Life On Purpose

Solopreneur | Writer | Experienced “Business Person” | Videogamer | Otaku | Pro Netflixer | Superhero in Training | Top Writer