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I saved up 24 K $ during my post-grad studies with three very simple tricks…

There is no magic here but it still works.

Till Daling
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readJun 6, 2020


This isn’t another, how to make quick money article. I’m sorry if you hoped for a solution, but I don’t have a magic formula.

What I do have are a few ways to get far with little work, very little.

Growing up in Germany’s economic middle class I was taught money lessons very early in life. If the yogurt has passed the expiry date on Monday, you can still eat it on Friday. Orange stickers on groceries mean that you should most likely buy it and have it for dinner. And in 9 out of 10 cases you will find a way to do things cheaper and more efficiently.

Efficiency in the ways how I made money was so deeply ingrained in my behaviors that it ended up being the driving force in my decision to move to Denmark.

Even though I haven't been working the full stretch of my master studies (which I regret!) and had 900$ of monthly expensed, I was still able to save enough money to leave Denmark with a financial buffer for the coming two years.

I’m not a finance guru but if you introduce a few of the following tactics, your savings account for the next travels will thank you.

Chose your country wisely



Till Daling
Live Your Life On Purpose

Consuming creator life meets nature's silence in Norway and @tilldaling on Instagram.