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If You Want To Drive Rolls-Royce Than Stop Taking Advice From Toyota Drivers.

We take average actions and expect spectacular results.

Hardik Mangukiya
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readApr 26, 2019


Most people take advice from ‘ordinary’ people. They want to drive Mercedes, Lamborghini or land Rover. But they learn from Toyota drivers.

Driving premium cars requires experience and can be best learned through drivers who had knowledge of those cars.

We all need great Relationships, passionate work life, million dollar business, name and fame from society. But we surrounded ourselves with mediocre people who themselves are insecure, doing the same job over the years and not taking change creating decisions. They satisfied with small business or complaining about being ignored or not liked.

We embrace success, But 95% of people take average actions. We spend time on Television, complaining about the boss or discussing office politics. We romanticize emotions with loved ones, but we care less about each other’s emotional well-being.

We take average actions and expect spectacular results.

And my point is simple, want to learn nut bolts of Rolls Royce’s driver, find the Roll Royce’s drivers. They know how to maintain extreme speed, handling balance and using breaks.

Toyota drivers can only imagine the process, but can’t help to learn with experience.

They don’t know how and when to speed up Bentley.

They don’t know how to use features of Lamborghini.

They don’t know how to win with Ferrari.

They have a “Toyota” experience.

So, your action must depend on Mercedes and Lamborghini drivers.

Most people want to be proficient Mercedes drivers, but they don’t go beyond Toyota.

The Real Truth About Being “Roll Royce’s Driver.”

How can you make the most fulfilling relationships? Or a million dollars in the bank account? Of course, it doesn’t happen overnight.

But most people don’t know the real truth about being “top.”

It’s simple. You don’t need to work ‘hard’ to get or be something. But the work you do is not easy.

Great relationships are the simplest ones. Both people know and accept each other unconditionally. They trust and honor unique connection. That’s simple.

Having passionate work life require ‘me’ work. You have a passion, and you are daily honing your craft to make it thriving. You love what you are doing and making a living with it. That’s simple, but to reach that level is not easy.

Having a million dollar business is solving a strong pain problem in society and creating a money-making model. That’s it. But it’s not easy to get there.

What ‘Most’ People Are Taking Advice From Toyota Drivers.

Toyota drivers are ‘gurus.’ they give advice based on the look of Mercedes, they calculate its power and estimate predictions. They know formulas, secrets or ‘scientific method’ of driving Mercedes. They analyze long years and prepare some ‘golden nuggets’ about Mercedes.

Finally, they market their ideas and spread glamorous words.

Most people trap themselves in those techniques and trying to achieve the “topper” level.

The reality of mastering craft is not coming through analyzing the ins and outs, but doing actual work, not for months but years of practice.

You are practicing ‘loads’ of chunks that are not connected with practical situations. Because it’s coming through theory.

Pareto principle says:

“80% of results come from 20% of effort/time”- Vilfredo Pareto, Manual of Political Economy: A Critical and Variorum Edition

20% of work produces 80% of the results in most cases.

But 95% People focus on other 20% of tasks because those are glamorously presented.

Gurus don’t know 20% of tasks which are responsible for success. Those handful of steps are simple and experience based. Not from theory or analysis.

Suppose you want to be a great writer or thought leader in your field.

Is it simple? Yes, but again not easy.


Great writers write from hearts, they produce value oriented ideas, they aren’t different but they explore life experiences and share stories with the world. People love their books, articles, and courses.

They honed writing craft over the years. They repeated the same process and learned strategies of influencing people with work and finally touched peaks where a handful of people can reach.

Greats learn from mentors. They cultivated strategies and frameworks into daily practice.

Are they perfect? No, they don’t know everything. They know what they are good at.

As simple as that.

They know a few things which rest of the world doing inappropriately. It doesn’t mean they have secrets or specific golden nuggets.

They have specific approaches and techniques based on their personality. But no “secret formula” to achieve success.

Why Are Most People Chasing Mediocre Results?

honestly, no particular answer.

But most reasons are internal.

  • We believe specific tactics which take you immediately from here to there, or we think of a “short period of success.”
  • We lack the confidence to learn the next step. Success isn’t easy, it’s painful, it contains loads of failed pieces and few success chunks plus the prior psychological price.
  • Everyone has diverse experiences and routes. So, people are confusing themselves in the ocean of the internet and never come out.
  • We focus on glamorous points like “Become a millionaire in 3 months by working 3 hours a day,” or “lose 50 pounds in just a weak by following science-based strategies.” Gurus earn through your insecurities and pain.
  • We believe we must reach a particular point before starting work. Indirectly, we want to be perfect.
  • Our focus is short gain success not long term commitment. We click headlines like “get your life partner in a weak by following our dating guide.” not on “spend a year with one girl and be her hero.”
  • We afraid of being unaccepted, unloved or powerless. We want success with comfort.

Success is damm scary. A successful relationship is not having romantic experience, it contains extreme pain. Success starts with ‘bad’ and leads to ‘good.’

The common theme is most people just want to be Mercedes drivers, but they aren’t practicing Mercedes. They settled with Toyota.

They aren’t committed to practice in the long run.

How You Can Be Bentley Driver.

Bentley drivers work with Mercedes drivers, so you must be with them.

Want to be a great writer?

Why should you be reading old crappy advice?

Read Stephen King, , Brian Clark, and other prolific writers. Read every sentence they produced and analyze it with the magnifying glass.

Read Seth Godin for small sentence. Jon Morrow for empathetic writing. Follow them and do what they told you to do.

Want to be a public speaker? Go for Tony Robins.

Want to be extraordinary? Follow Vishen Lakhiani, CEO of Mindvalley University.

Want to be a businessman? Head over to Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates.

Want great relationships? Read John Gray and Dr. Gary Chapman

Want to develop leadership skills? Go for Robin Sharma.

Surround yourself with minimal resources from masters. Not from armatures.

Psychological circumstances are more distractive than technical. So the first step is to know why you want what you want.

Whenever I have relationship issues, I feel pain deeply. But I never avoid it. I know only pain can make me resilient.

I read hundreds of books on relationships, experienced intense pain from the people I love. But ultimately I learned what I wanted.

I want excellent relationships, and I have it. I learned from masters who already analyzed the essence of healthy relationships. I just need to read and properly implement it.

It’s not perfect but reading only top books improved relationships by 80%.

Success doesn’t depend on how much you know, it depends on how much you create.

Want To Drive Roll Royce Or Toyota?

Most things in the world have a minimal process, and it’s deep not wide. Focusing on masters can lead to faster success than 95% of people.

You can be Bentley driver by following footsteps of Bentley drivers. That’s it.

People are busy to find a particular plan or secret hacks. Analyzing every little detail with so-called gurus, checking nuts and bolts of success mantras.

Of course, there must be specific strategies for crafting art but no secret for long term success in any walks of life.

Focus on those who made it. Because only they can tell you how they made it.

You know what the harsh reality of most people is?

They focus so much on amateur advice and gimmicks that they don’t have energy left for essential tasks.

They complicate the process and blame on others. So, knowing simple truth changes your perspective about life and success.

Now you are ahead of 95% of people who want to be Bentley drivers but stuck with Toyota drivers.

Create your choices over insecurities and focus on the top 20% of things in whatever you want to accomplish.

It delivers 80% results. Other 20% doesn’t matter much.

Find top strategies and commit to applying in your way.

Driving Roll Royce is simple if your mentor has Roll Royce!




Hardik Mangukiya
Live Your Life On Purpose

Big believer in Positive Psychology, writing about productive and thriving life.