Isn’t It Weird How Everyone You See Has a Story Unknown to You?

I’m sharing my thoughts again.

Evans Okoro
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readFeb 6, 2021


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

One time, I was in a cab and was looking out the window and saw everyone going about their business — people who I didn’t know existed before then and may not give a second thought about ever.

Then the title of this particular article hit me: How everyone has a story in them that we’re completely ignorant of.

As humans, we’re so wrapped up in our own drama that we don’t remember that every one too, has something they’re thinking of. Like it’s amazing how everyone you see is excited about something, regrets another, or has something they’re trying to get done.

Like if our bodies had a big screen at the back of our heads to show what we’re thinking about or what’s going through our minds, the next person will be blown away.

I think what triggered the thought was when I saw one man walking and facing down, and it was obvious that he was thinking about something, and that’s when this occurred to me.

We’re just houses of stories walking around.

If you sit and talk to someone and ask them about their lives, you’ll hear so much that will amaze you. I think it’s one reason why I get inquisitive because I try to know what’s going on with people and things in general.

But my point is, just as you have fears, worries, and everything, the next person too, has episodes of those things too, and what’s more is, they may have it in a higher magnitude than you do. This is why I believe emotional intelligence is crucial, and I’m doing all I can to be better at it.

So to conclude, be kind to people.

Thank you for reading

