The Isolation Of A Pandemic In A New City

80% of Millenials are ‘sometimes or always lonely’

Ian Canon
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Norbert Kundrak from Pexels

A lot of Medium articles are general advice or self-help, or someone telling you about how they’ve done this and that, and they’ve grown from it and they’re getting better, or they’ve solved their issues.

This is not that article.

Ever since the pandemic started, and my work life moved to being exclusively from home, my MFA program shifted online, I’ve noticed that my internet habits revolve around a revolving door of faux connection through social media notifications, youtube videos, and Reddit posts.

It doesn’t help and it’s getting worse. I feel like I’m constantly looking for something to entertain me, something that’s not there, but it doesn’t stop me the rabid search through tabs for something, anything, to happen, living in a world of faux-occurrences to stimulate an already over-stimulated dopamine response, like a rat in a cage slamming into the button for my daily dose of stimulation.

What I find most interesting is that I wasn’t–or I’m still not—an extrovert. When I go out to a social gathering, even if I don’t drink, I find that I get exhausted pretty quickly and I’m hungover (on nothing but water), the next day. While working on novels, I used to go months without any social…



Ian Canon
Live Your Life On Purpose

Author of ITS A LONG WAY DOWN & BEFORE OBLIVION. MFA in Creative Writing, freelancer, novelist, poet, marketer, writer