It’s Not Luck. It’s A Choice.

What many of us consider to be luck — for many people is a result of hard work and difficult choices

Anastasia Shch
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readMar 5, 2019


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Every person has an idea of a dream life he’d love to live. Maybe lead a corporation or maybe retire at the age of 35 and spend all days at the beach.

Or maybe just move to a different city to feel more fulfilled. There is no one-fits-all dream.

“You are always one decision away from a totally different life”.

The life that we are living now is the result of millions of decisions, big and small that we’ve made throughout our lives and still it can be changed with just one more.

The turning point of my life was the decision to move to Spain to study and then settle there. Well, imagine this — sunny vibrant Barcelona, full of happy people living their laidback lives. It’s almost always sunny, even winters are mild and pleasant and you can enjoy the beach every day. Isn’t that a dream?

All the time I meet people who say that I am lucky to have all that. The truth is that I wouldn’t call it luck.

Making a decision to leave my family and life behind to make this move was one of the hardest that I had to do in my life. Never had before I lived alone and here I was planning to move to another country. I wasn’t certain how will I find a job after my studies and what I will be doing there, the whole thing was just scary. There was a certain price to pay for that decision.

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice. Wayne Dyer

What many of us consider to be luck — for many people is a result of hard work and difficult choices. We usually only see the beautiful shiny result, forgetting that there is a whole iceberg-like mass of choices, decisions, doubts, failure, etc, that led to that point hiding in the shadow.

The life we live in now is the result of our choices and actions. And many will continue to live it this way instead of pursuing their dreams because making a choice means taking the responsibility for your life and for your choices. And choices have consequences that we have to face, but there is no way of living differently without accepting that.



Anastasia Shch
Live Your Life On Purpose

Experience Strategist & Maker • Innovation, creativity & entrepreneurship •