A former caterpillar that has now sprouted wings. Source: SChapman

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Sherry Chapman
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readOct 9, 2018


Giving up. Giving in. Throwing in the towel. Calling it quits.

That is how I felt this morning about my writing.

Last week was mentally taxing for me. I was doing my own job, as well as covering for two others who were on vacation.

I am also in the midst of applying for veteran’s benefits for my mom. I don’t know if you are aware of how much paperwork is involved with this. Let’s just say it’s exhausting and seemingly infinite.

Then there are my Medium stats from last week.

They sucked.

Thus, no encouragement from there

A beautiful Gulf Fritillary butterfly resting on marigold flowers. Source: SChapman

If I were a natural born writer, maybe writing a post wouldn’t take me an entire day. Do I have entire days to devote to writing? I’ll let you take a wild guess on that one.

With a 40-hour a week job outside the home, an elderly, disabled parent, of whom I am the sole caregiver, and a feisty terrier wanting my attention at every minute, I don’t have an hour to devote to writing, much less a day.

Some may say they can write a post in a half hour. That’s great for you. Declarations like that just make me angry.



Sherry Chapman
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writer, animal lover, traveler, caregiver and seeking the unconventional life in bits and pieces.