It’s Not You. It’s Them.

Just because an employer fails you doesn’t mean you’re a failure.

Brandon Landgraf
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readMay 15, 2019


The exact email I received upon being fired

They fired me over email.


“What could I have done differently?”

“What did I do wrong?”

All the thoughts I had to myself. I’d spent 11 months working for a company — being a key contributor to their marketing, branding, and product development.

It was within those 11 months that I’d spent doubting myself, not getting feedback, sending emails to my superiors to not get any response, and creating a brand from nothing — all on a below average salary with subpar benefits.

I made the mistake of taking it to heart at first, thinking I was a failure, a bad employee, someone not capable of my career.

Pure foolishness on my part.

I’ve worked for organizations that do everything they can to empower employees. You don’t realize how important this is until you’re on the other end of the spectrum.

Great companies ignite your passion.

They provide you with the platform, tools, and resources to not just succeed, but grow. Looking back on my experiences, I now realize this.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. -Simon Sinek

Great companies take care of their employees. They take into count their skills, aspirations, and mindset. They give constructive feedback and ask “how can we make your job easier?” They serve their employees, not the other way around.

They’re open and honest with you.

Feedback is vital with everything we do. We may complete tasks and goals, but it’s not until we see things from an outside perspective that we get a clear picture of how we can improve. Working without feedback is like flying a plane blind. You’ll either crash or just run out of gas, then crash.

The effect of working for a bad employer is dangerous.

It can hurt you emotionally and mentally, make you think you’re not worthy or capable, and slowly eat at your confidence.

Don’t let them get to you.

I spent 11 months doubting myself, my skills, and my aspirations. It was 11 months of mental games — wondering if I was doing a good job, on the right track, or needed to do something different. It wasn’t until I was on the outside of the clouded box that I saw things for what they were.

I worked my ass off. I took the initiative and went outside of my comfort zone. If this is you yet you feel like you’re not going anywhere, then something’s wrong. Not with you, but with your employer’s culture.

To grow into your full potential, you have to be in an environment that enables you to launch, grow, and succeed.

A company that throws you out to sea and tells you to swim is one that will kill your self-worth. Great companies throw you out to sea, give you a life jacket, scuba gear, and a map.

See the difference?

It’s sad to think that there are employers that don’t give a shit. They view you as replaceable. They want you to sit in your box and put your head down, do the work and shut up.

But what can you do?

Realize your worth.

Know your dreams and skills are mighty.

Leave places like that. They’ll destroy everything you stand for.

Find a company that values what you have to offer. Or better yet, create one.

Signs you’re working for a lousy employer:

  • Turnover is high
  • You show initiative yet feel like you’re not doing the right thing
  • You ask for feedback from your superiors but get no response
  • You have no clear career path in your position and don’t know what it takes to move up their career ladder
  • You’re never asked, “how can we help you succeed?”

Know your worth, know what you deserve, and know the signs of a bad employer.

Here’s to saying “fuck you!” to bad employers and praising great ones.

