Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Keeping Your Word Is Important

If you give your word to another, then stay true to it. If you give your promise to someone, then hold tightly to it.
If you say you are going to do something, then follow through and do it.
If you say that you are reliable, then go ahead and prove it.

Dena G. Warfield
7 min readSep 17, 2019


The Bands Dilemma

Warren was a really fun guy, everybody loved him. No matter where he was the “life of the party.” As I got to know more people in his circle of friends I noticed something interesting. People would laugh and joke around with Warren, but when he wasn’t present in the group, it was like they didn’t even know him.

I had gone to one of the larger coffee shops in the area to hear a local band. I sat at a table close to the band to get the full effect of the music. On break, I overheard the lead singer and the band leader talking.

“We really need someone to fill in for Frank when he’s out of town,” the leader said.

“I’ve talked to a couple of guys who play rhythm guitar, but they’re booked during those weeks. I’m not sure who else to ask. I even checked, but I couldn’t find anyone,” the…



Dena G. Warfield
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writing about ADHD from a non-ADHD perspective. Using a MA in Human Behavior, Life Coaching and personal experience. Illustrated by fictionalized stories. DenaG