Leadership is an Inside Job


And it’s going to cost you.

I want to have different words for you today. Words that comfort. Words that heal. Words that mend. Words that feel like a big hug.

I just can’t get there. As I’ve written and deleted, written and deleted, written and deleted, I keep coming back to loving you with hard truths.

Truths that will comfort because they aren’t candy floss.

Truths that will heal because they don’t hide.

Truths that will mend because they prepare you.

Change always requires sacrifice.

The sacrifices may be smaller, like learning to listen before you talk.

The sacrifices may be greater, like changing your way of life to help others.

Change always requires sacrifice.

The sacrifices may sting a bit, like hearing you hurt someone else.

The sacrifices may really hurt, like losing unhealthy relationships.

Change always requires sacrifice.

The sacrifices will be effort, like finding new sources that are beyond your circle.

The sacrifices will be work, like unlearning what you thought was settled.

Photo by Andrew Robinson on Unsplash

“The sacrifices that really matter, that really hurt, affect us and force us to overcome ourselves.” — Carl Jung

And we move from ourselves, to our community, to our systems to create lasting change.

OH! But, friend. Here’s what I know for sure. It’s worth it.

There is such hope in this work! The freedom, effectiveness, and peace in your life don’t come free, but they do come. And you’ll look back and think, how did I live that way before?

Jenn is a speaker, writer, coach, and all-around joy-bringer who works with conflict resolution communication, and leadership self-awareness through the Enneagram. Jenn helps leaders gain practical communication, conflict resolution, and leadership skills so they can effectively serve their teams and do good work in the world.

Find more resources and booking information at jennwhitmer.com. #conflictisopportunity



Jenn Whitmer | Keynote Speaker & Joy-Bringer
Live Your Life On Purpose

Jenn Whitmer helps leaders with Joyosity™, creating positive culture with complex people. She’s usually laughing too loudly. Come visit at jennwhitmer.com.