Learning to be Content in a Restless World

Purposeful thinking and faith are the secret ingredients

Tracy Gerhardt Cooper
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJan 27, 2020


Choosing contentedness is a discipline. Few of us are perfectly content with all areas of our lives. Relationships, health, finances, work — all of these can instigate feelings of discontent at one time or another.

In seasons when I feel restless and discontented with my circumstances, this is usually a sign that I haven’t been giving God enough of my attention. When my eyes and mind are fixed on Him, falling into these patterns of thought and emotion is far less likely.

My telltale signs are irritability and comparison. I experience dissatisfaction with my own life when I compare it with others’ lives. This mistaken thinking makes me miserable and also dishonors God.

God knows exactly where I am. He sees me. He loves me. He has a plan and a purpose that is uniquely designed for me. When I fail to rest in His grace, I get into trouble and fall into discontent. Here’s how to reframe your mind and get back into the right place in your head and heart when you feel discontent.

Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

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