Let Kindness Be Your Superpower

The world needs more heroes like you.

Bertrand Wong
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readNov 13, 2019


I was walking down a cobblestone alley as I approached the pavements of the main street outside my apartment. As I exited the T-junction alley, I was cautious not to collide with other pedestrians by slowing down my pace.

Suddenly, my peripheral vision picked up a fast speeding scooter that was heading right towards me. Before I could even react, the rider screeched to a halt and crashed into me as she fell to the ground. I was in utter shock.

Ignoring the painful bruise that was developing on my leg, I immediately helped the lady pick up her belongings and asked if she was okay. Then she started cursing at me in French and raised her voice, “Do I look like I’m okay?!”

I was in disbelief at her reply and felt victimized by her reaction. I thought to myself, “Wasn’t it wrong of her to ride a scooter on the pavement in the first place, let alone speed?”

Amidst all the commotion, a group of teenagers witnessing the whole situation came up to her and bravely defended me with their words (in French). As I stood there trying to understand what was going on, one of the teenagers kindly came up to me and gave a pat on my shoulder. He shyly asked in two words of English he could muster “You okay?”, to which I calmly replied, “Yes, I’m…



Bertrand Wong
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writing on: Self, Career & Growth | Empowering others to lead extraordinary and purposeful lives. | Co-founder @ careersocius.com | linkedin.com/in/bertrandwong