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Life Hack: Pace Yourself

Paendrea L.
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readOct 3, 2018


Why don’t you have a job by now? Why don’t you have your license? You’ve been working there so long. When are you going to apply for that promotion? Are you going to be single for the rest of your life?

It all sounds familiar. It comes from family, friends, and maybe even yourself. The pressure is real when it comes to keeping up with the “pace of life.” However, no fear, I am going to give you some things to think about while you’re running. Some people don’t realize that everyone and everyone’s life is different.

It’s not an excuse; it’s just the facts.

How To Start the Race

Learning how to start your life can be confusing and challenging. This part of the race usually begins after high school or college. Some people know what they want to do and how they’re going to do it and some people don’t.

Whether you have figured it out or not, the key is to start early and start out at the pace that you know you can go. Don’t overdo it or you will pass out.

Take your time!

How To Sustain Your Momentum

In the climax of the race, it is effortless to lose track of your momentum or give up. You are almost at the finish line. If you give up now, you diminish your chance of winning the race.

Stay hydrated!

Listen to your support group, talk to yourself(I mean that sanely.), or listen to a motivational speaker that has been where you are in life.

Just remember, the only thing you have to worry about is yourself. The race you are running is about your life, not anyone elses.

Tip: Don’t look back (into the past), it slows you down!

Finish Strong!

After you’ve done all your hard work, it’s finally time to finish the race and celebrate! If you run *your* race, then you can jog your way to the end.

However, if you find that you’re trying to keep up with someone else or meet someone else’s standards, you may see yourself sprinting your way in and out of breath at the end.



Paendrea L.
Live Your Life On Purpose

I love to write about almost everything! I’d like to start a question/advice column where you all ask questions and I give my personal insight.